Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago
You would think it would be easy to find some poor conscript fuck who didn’t run over civilians in a bulldozer struggling with the fact that they were coerced into being part of a genocide, but no, CNN goes with the guy who crushed human beings. Even as attempted hasbara, that’s some high-level incompetence in CNN. 4 months ago
CNN has to run every story through the Israeli censor in their Jerusalem bureau. The only mainstream outlet that doesn’t go through that process is Al Jazeera, and Israel closed their offices. 4 months ago
Precisely: this is the story CNN and the IDF want you to see. No matter the CNN reader’s reaction, the policy will not change.
So they do the thing because it is a demonstration that they can do the thing without repercussions. Bullingdon Club type mentality.