Not to mention, there’s also a lot of human slop.
Well, not all LLMs are created equal. Some are decent, some are slop, some are nightmare machines 3 months ago 3 months ago
I trained a LLM on nothing but Hitler speeches and Nazi propaganda. then asked it to write a speech if Hitler was the 2016 president and you’ll be shocked at the results. 3 months ago
Sure, but there’s never a qualifier in these arguments. It’s just ‘hur dur AI bad’ which is lazy and disingenuous. 3 months ago
AI is generally bad because it tends to steal content from human creators and is largely being pushed because corporations want another excuse to throw more workers on the street in favor of machines (while simultaneously raising their prices).
There are some AI uses that are good though, such as AI voice generation to help those that can’t speak to communicate with the world and not sound like a robot. 3 months ago
Again, this is an argument that I see a lot, that’s simply not true. AI is not stealing anything. Theft is a specific legal term. If I steal your TV, I have your TV and you don’t. If AI is trained on some content that content still exists. Whatever training takes place steals nothing.
Your point is a valid one, but this not unique to AI and is the inevitable result of the onward march of technology. The very thing we’re using to communicate right now, the Internet, is responsible for billions of job losses. That’s not a valid reason to get rid of it. Instead of blaming AI for putting people out work, we should be pressuring governments to implement things like UBI to provide people with a basic living wage. That way people need not fear the impact the advance of technology will have on their ability to feed and house themselves.
These are great examples.