Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago
I didn’t see the plot twist coming myself, but in general I’d say Bethesda’s open world games aren’t the place to go for main story (even if Starfield’s was my favorite of the bunch so far). The idea of followers chiming in on quests from time to time being a new concept for these RPGs in 2015 should tell readers where this studio’s been positioned in the genre. Definitely not top-tier immersive story experience, even if I did like some of the follower vignettes.
I still put probably 200 hours in this game over the years–mostly settlement stuff–yet each time I started a new run I groaned at the power armor. Something about it always felt a little off to me, and most of the random loot in the game is regular armor, the bonuses on which are all deactivated when in the suit. I did builds without the power armor more often than not, and that usually meant a stealth build with frequent quicksaving. One rocket was generally enough to end a run.
I’m surprised to hear you were getting those framerates, though. I get a solid 60 FPS even downtown with Super Mutants running around, and I wouldn’t have called my rig very well equipped even when it was current (3060Ti). That’s gotta be a mod issue. 4 months ago
It’s never been a mod issue for me, I think it always ends up being a CPU problem. Though you’re correct that it could also be mods but I’ve had this problem throughout the years on every rig I’ve tried it on. Even consoles have that problem unfortunately. It’s not as noticeable, but it’s still there and can’t hold 60.
Power armor is weird and I actually ended up hating it by the time I was done. With the hard mods, it was kind of required in order to venture out into the atomic crater. So I’d inevitably go out there and within a handful of minutes a piece would break off. Cool, what do I do about that? Well not much, you’re just screwed.
Now it’s great and all that they put repair stations all around but I often wasn’t carry the resources to repair and they weren’t in the station. So add 5-10 minutes of walking around picking up steel and circuits to fix my armor.
In my opinion they could have had mobile repair kits craftable, the repair stations could have just repaired for no cost, and each piece of the armor really didn’t need to be its own part. Just makes them tedious to deal with honestly and unless you really need the armor, it’s just better not to use it imo.