Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months agoI’m very mixed on the voiced MC. In FO4 in some ways it prevents roleplaying but also never actually tells you who your character even is. They end up a boring blank slate you ignore.
They just needed to pick a lane. Either have a voiced MC and have them be a character themselves that we aren’t free to define everything about or have them be silent to give us freedom.
They chose to leave it in the middle and gave our character a voice so we could… hear the dialog we picked be said incorrectly worded and out loud? I like seeing my character in cutscenes but really we need personality options next time at the very least. 4 months ago
This is the bit that put me off entirely. FO4 was supposed to be an iteration of (if not an improvement on) FO3/FO:NV. It was supposed to be a first person RPG. But there’s enough dialogue where what you say just doesn’t matter at all. It was the inverse of the mass effect 3 ending made into a game where the options you choose don’t affect the dialogue and usually result in the same colour too.
Honestly I’m upset it sold as well as it did, because it reinforced the idea that people don’t buy fallout games as role-playing games any more.