Comment on There are only two types of Bad Star Trek Episodes 4 months agoJust to preface my opinion, I think it’s ok to disagree on this haha. HOWEVER I don’t think it’s much of a travesty anytime Chakotay didn’t get to have a main plot. He’s a really wooden actor (made all the more obvious by mulgrew’s strength) who was given a really poorly defined character (as you can see by the way his hobbies are, like, whatever they needed to be for the plot to move? And never the same?) And sure, the powers that be wanted eye candy… but seven did end up being a super substantial character. She had some of the best stories and made all the best characters better just by being there. She was an amazing foil! 4 months ago
Yeah, don’t get me wrong; Seven wasn’t a bad character at all. And I completely agree that Chakotay was a bit under-defined as a character. But I simply attribute that to the writers themselves not really being interested in him enough to define him better or use him more. Maybe that was because of Beltran’s acting… I love theatre and such, but I can’t say I’m all that good at telling good acting from bad acting… If I can believe their feelings, that’s good enough for me and I always thought Beltran shows a lot of emotion in his eyes. 😅