- Comment on There are only two types of Bad Star Trek Episodes 4 months ago:
Just to preface my opinion, I think it’s ok to disagree on this haha. HOWEVER I don’t think it’s much of a travesty anytime Chakotay didn’t get to have a main plot. He’s a really wooden actor (made all the more obvious by mulgrew’s strength) who was given a really poorly defined character (as you can see by the way his hobbies are, like, whatever they needed to be for the plot to move? And never the same?) And sure, the powers that be wanted eye candy… but seven did end up being a super substantial character. She had some of the best stories and made all the best characters better just by being there. She was an amazing foil!
- Comment on Automattic demanded a cut of WP Engine’s revenue before starting WordPress battle. 5 months ago:
Sitting in the splash zone of this whole thing, Matt’s contribution to the project is a net negative. Professionally and personally, he is seems unable to unwilling to deescalate conflict. In fact, he creates conflict where none is necessary, and then seems to act shocked and disappointed at the results.
He makes decisions unilaterally that don’t reflect what a thoughtful steward of an open source project would do. (And I say this as a proponent of the idea of the block editor, and as someone for whole building sites with blocks is my bread and butter- except I use ACF, full disclosure.) an example, picayune as it may seem, is the function capital_P_dangit().
It’s not picayune, by the way.
And now this mess. This is by far the most destructive thing he’s done. He needs to be removed.
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
I heard about it when it was in development but hadn’t followed up! I still have escape velocity on my 2024 Mac but maybe I will check I out the loving homage.
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
Escape velocity (1996, ambrosia software game for macOS). My favorite computer game of all time I think.
- Comment on Smoothest man in space 1 year ago:
Night! Bird!
- Comment on Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates 1 year ago:
I mean, I did. I never thought I would, because I use dev tools all the time and I was worried it would be a problem, but it wasn’t. I don’t miss it. Firefox is fine!
People: If you’re trying to decide whether to switch, just do it! It’s good for the internet and it didn’t even take that long to import my bookmarks, install all the same extensions, and increase the tiny tiny font size of tab names. Like, maybe twenty minutes all tallied up. Worth it!
- Comment on They're always looking for a way to fuck up your day. 1 year ago:
I’m sorry you called me a WHAT
- Comment on How long to grow a community? 1 year ago:
I didn’t know about your community till I saw this post, and I’m interested. Have you considered adding a community-maintained “getting started with geocaching” doc to the sidebar? I’m not saying that’ll solve the problem immediately but I think it could help people decide to join when they’re exploring Lemmy.
Like others said, such a small percentage actuslly post. So anything that helps drive traffic up can help. From an seo perspective you’ve just got to be the most helpful resource if you want that sweet sweet traffic.
- Comment on But more than that, I believed that I could see... five guys. 1 year ago:
That’s good stuff
- Comment on Some Tesla engineers secretly started designing a Cybertruck alternative because they 'hated' it 1 year ago:
Read this as ‘cyberduck’ at first and I was like, what’s wrong with my favorite FTP client? Why do they hate it?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The scene where Worf says “it is I who have endangered our friendship” always makes me cry.