Nah, just about anything except climate change. Economical, less blackouts, better resilience and sticking it to the man (as in the incompetent power companies) I’d imagine would be the go-to arguments…
Comment on What inspired you to get into clean energy? 4 months ago
I agree it’s one piece of a much larger puzzle towards global sustainability. But for me, that’s still a very abstract concept and my actions are a less than a drop in the bucket in that regard.
However, being my own power plant, owning my own power… “Seizing the means of production”, if you will, is incredibly concrete. And selfish.
If I were selling PV to rednecks, I don’t even think I’d mention climate change. 4 months ago 4 months ago
That is one thing I don’t get about the pushback on EVs. You can absolutely make your own electricity, you can’t make your own gasoline or diesel. Yes, biodiesel is a thing and you can brew your own alcohol but that requires energy, time, and more or less single purpose equipment. Solar and an EV are more or less a single step and completely passive. You can even make the solar partially mobile if you wanted.