Mr. Incredible is sued for stopping a man’s suicide and injuring him instead.
In a Disney film.
This is explicitly stated, to the camera, within the first 5 minutes.
Holy shit Disney, you hadn’t “Up’d” us yet, chill
Mr. Incredible is sued for stopping a man’s suicide and injuring him instead.
In a Disney film.
This is explicitly stated, to the camera, within the first 5 minutes.
Holy shit Disney, you hadn’t “Up’d” us yet, chill 4 months ago
The first incredibles movie was made before Pixar was bought by Disney 4 months ago
Pixar wasn’t owned by them, but they were contractually obligated to be making movies for and with Disney 4 months ago
This article is a great rundown of Pixar and Disney, but while the latter did publish Pixar’s movies through the nineties and early naughties they had very little creative influence over them - especially compared to what would come post acquisition. Even the four “transitional” films (that had already begun production in 2006) are clearly more Pixar than Disney. 4 months ago
Ok? Already knew all that
The point is that Disney is famously child/family friendly and that they had influence on the film, thats why a direct reference to suicide in the first 5m is especially surprising: Disney let it happen
Pixar actually being the ones who made it is entirely irrelevant to my point and also incredibly basic film trivia