American Gods, Rings of Power, Good Omens, the Expanse, Man in the high castle, the Last of us, etc etc.
It’s not always as good of a selection as other services, but it’s got a fair few gems on there and a good amount of back catalogue films and tv shows that are fab :-)
And the fact that they collect so much stuff that would otherwise not be available at all (usually because its only on some random foreign streaming service and refuses to work with netflix) is where they really shine.
That said, I immediately stopped using it when they brought adverts in to the paid subscription. I’m not paying to watch adverts, sorry, no. 4 months ago
Amazon as a company sucks enough on its own. No need to make shit up.
I can. I can even name multiple really good shows. But you don’t want to hear them. You want to fabricate a narrative.