And as an extra aside be careful not to put pressure on the edge where it’s apt to fracture and break.
Comment on How to fix this glass that is no longer in place? 5 months ago
Use a knife to score the existing silicone and then pull the glass out. Use a razor blade and knife to clean up the existing silicone. Clean the surfaces well.
Get silicone bathroom caulk from home depot. Put some in the channel, put the glass back, put more along the seam. Use a wet finger to smooth it out.
Tape it in place while it cures and you’re done. 5 months ago 5 months ago
OP, do this, but when you use silicone caulk (kitchen and bathroom stuff), you need to use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to smooth it out or it will stick to your finger and make a mess. Water works great for latex caulk. 5 months ago
i use water with liquid dishwashing soap 5 months ago
Make sure you get the right silicon too. This is in a wet environment so you don’t want stuff that decimates within a few years. If you hire a guy they have commercial grade stuff that can last 20 yrs. If you go to Home Depot I think you can get stuff that might last 10. 5 months ago
Nope, there’s no screw or anything mechanical holding it in place.
Thank you for the advice. 5 months ago
This is the best way of doing it. I’d recommend some paint thinner and paper towels to help clean up the silicon. Even people that have been doing this work for years can get enthusiastic with caulking stuff in and silicon can get messy fast. Plus make sure to give the whole space enough time to fully cure and be good to go against water exposure. I’m also surprised at the apparent lack of retention screw or something in there, pretty strange 5 months ago
I can only confirm what ballskicker and Shadow said - I’d remove the old caulk both mechanically and with the help of a solvent and then caulk it back in.
However, I’m also pretty sure it will eventually sag again without the help of a retaining mechanism.
Given the pictures you posted (which might not provide the full context), I assume someone really just caulked a glass panel into the profiles and left it at that. I assume you would like to avoid drilling the glass (can be done, but is tricky and has the potential to create a mess pretty quickly), so I’d simply manufacture a retaining cap that closes off the profile and holds the glass panel in place. I’d drill a hole into the ceiling to hold the cap in place, or into the profile, depending on the material and the remaining situation at hand.
I’m talking about mounting that right here, after sliding the glass back in / caulking, of couse: Image