The depiction aligning with reality is not a bias. Artificially altering the algorithm so that it shows more women for this prompt on the other hand is, unquestionably, adding a bias.
If you want to add a bias, fine. Biases aren’t always a bad thing. But don’t pretend that what you’re actually advocating for here is correcting a bias.
Likewise you can train it out of a bias, just feed it more content showing diverse workforces
That is training in a bias. Because it’s not representative of reality. 5 months ago
Representative of actually real world statistics is not “bias”. 5 months ago
Statistics are not people.
There are huge biases at play for why gender differences exist in the world place and most other places. 5 months ago
Statistics are people.
It cannot possibly, under any circumstances, be a correct, reasonable, or valid word choice to describe an “AI” that accurately models reality as “biased”. That word already has a meaning and using it in that manner is a lie. 5 months ago
This. I’d you don’t like the AI presents more men than women as cardiologists because its mirroring society, the problem is not the AI, the problem is the lack of non cis-male representation in real world cardiology.