It’s a bit more than a line in the sand, though, ehich I suspect is the point.
Comment on Norway is mulling building a fence on its border with Russia, following Finland's example 4 months ago
I don’t think a fence will stop anyone… :) But sure, go ahead. 4 months ago 4 months ago
It does help 4 months ago
Show me a five meter high fence, and i’ll show you a six meter high ladder.
More seriously, if you want to catch people at the border, you do mainly need to have cameras, sensors and people monitoring it, and you then just need to send some guards out in a truck to go out and talk to the things that walk through it.
If their arn’t guards, then there is nothing to stop anyone with bolt cutters or a cutting tool coming along and getting through, or as the US found out, coming along and stealing parts of the unguarded fence in the middle of nowhere whenever the price for scrap metal got high enough to be worth the trip.
The only problems with this approach of just sending guards out is that it doesn’t look as imposing in stock footage, and that it’s harder to deny people a chance at the universal human right of asylum if they’ve set foot on your territory and you have to talk to them and escort them back instead of pushing them away from a fence with your fingers in your ears saying I can’t hear you. 4 months ago
It’s a bit of a silly thought that because you can have a six meter tall ladder a five meter fence wouldn’t help in stopping people. Of course it helps and that’s the supposed function, help not stop everyone.
I don’t know what you know about Norwegian-Russian border but the fence is supposed to be part of the other things you mentioned. 4 months ago
How does any easily cut through or driven over fence help at all, much less justify the significant expense? It doesn’t help stop people, or even particularly slow them down. You’re still relying on guards actually responding and getting out to meet them, now just with higher maintenance costs because there is a hole dozens of kilometers from anything else. 4 months ago
A fence won’t stop anyone, but it can detect people, which sounds like the point. 4 months ago
Detect, deter and slow down.