Comment on Civilization VI: Just another knowledge check 4X game 5 months ago
Also, one thing not included here is the AI problem. The 4X games with the best and most challenging, clever AIs, perfect for training competitively when you can’t get together with all your friends, are also single-player. Ditto for 4X games that randomize tech trees and policy trees and the like to make the game more principled. One alternative strategy video game that’s really fun is Red Alert 2 (Mental Omega mod) with a fairly low required APM much like 4X games, a thriving community and easy to get friends into, and a fairly low knowledge check barrier with a lot of room for experimenting and sharpening one’s intuition. 5 months ago
If you want a really good 4X game, try Stellaris. It’s where I went after 1000+ hours of Civ 5 (and coming to Civ 6 to be disappointed by it, played only like 80 hours), and I’ve been
terrorizingliberating the galaxy ever since. I especially like the additional nuances to diplomacy, which are further enhanced by mods – Civ’s AI has always been a bit 5 months ago
OP seems to want a very competitively focused tightly balanced experience, and Stellaris is absolutely anything but that. I enjoy the game, it’s fun, but I can’t imagine anyone considering it to be particularly balanced or enjoyable as a PvP/Versus experience. 5 months ago
Thank you to both you and for discussing this. This does match with what others have said. That said, it’s okay with roleplaying too, it often hosts roleplaying-only Twilight Imperium IV games, or one-shot TTRPGs (D&D is banned, Pathfinder is banned, any other system is okay).
But yes, a much bigger hole in its heart is competition. Girls just like to have fun, and for some girls, that means merciless (but trauma-informed and respect towards boundaries around competition) competition.
There are some multiplayer roleplaying video games. Baldur’s Gate 3 has been quite engaging. Sometimes just one of us watching the other play Disco Elysium is enough. But competing strategically without it becoming unpleasant…that’s a harder find outside of board games. 5 months ago
I think it can be, but only as a role playing experience. 5 months ago
Use it/its and not you/your, please. its heard Stellaris has great narrative elements but it’s very hard to play in a reasonable amount of time and there’s some balance issues that can make competition feel really unfair. Maybe will still get around to it some day. 5 months ago
Was going to say how absurd and difficult to understand those pronouns are, and how they make communication very unclear.
But fuck it 5 months ago
Especially when they aren’t even using its vs it’s properly 5 months ago
I consider myself pretty progressive and am friends with nothing but progressives. And lots of people in the LGBTQ+ community. This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone want to have their second-person pronouns changed… It does not make communication easy. 5 months ago
Is this for real? 5 months ago
I’ve never seen some specify that they want different second person pronouns, but hey new things every day. 5 months ago
y’know, when people started getting snippy about pronouns, I often said I was just going to start calling them an “it”.
I never thought someone would want that. 5 months ago
It puts the lotion in the basket. 5 months ago
Stellaris REALLY needs AI mods to be any good in single player though.