Peglin is great. 5 months ago
Peglin (Steam, iOS, Android, Switch)
Just released 1.0 a month ago. Simple enough gameplay loop. Throw orbs at pegs on board to fight enemies. Go down different paths on a map until you reach the boss fight at the bottom, upgrading and getting new orbs and relics along the way to help. Repeat 2 more times and you win. Has 20 levels of increasing difficulty after beating your first run, but locked behind standard progression.
Dungoens and Degenerate Gamblers (Steam)
Released beginning of last month. Play Blackjack against opponents, but you each have a life bar. Score higher than opponent to deal damage equal to the difference in your scores to them. Various non-playing cards and other nonsensical cards will appear as playable cards. Things like a get well soon card, SD card, a 21 card, and many more can be found. Go until you either lose or beat the final boss on one of two different routes to be taken. 5 months ago 5 months ago
How long can you play the game without getting bored? 5 months ago
I have over 300 hours still going. It’s only if you like that kind of game. 5 months ago
I do. It’s on my wishlist because I have so many new games that I didn’t play yet that it wouldn’t make sense to buy it now I just wondered, in regard to the gameplay, if some people eventually feel bored after some days :) so thanks for the feedback 5 months ago
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