Strange, I somehow ‘remember’ that you needed to play on hard, but checking it again, you are right. Just easy difficulty is not getting the best ending.
Comment on Valkyrie Profile, 5 months ago
You don’t need to play on Hard to get Ending A. Normal works just as well.
There is some content locked behind Hard, most notably, the most devilish dungeons and bosses the game has to offer outside of the Seraphic Gate. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I have only played Covenant of the Plume - not sure that falls in the franchise - and I recall that game was grounded in human politics and the exploring the personal stories of the characters one interacts with.
It seems to be a more personal journey as the characters that one has access to and what type of story arc one plays is decided by the decisions one makes through the story and having to weigh the value of human life against a backdrop of colourful characters.
Seems the games are similiar in concept and design with some differing gameplay mechanics 5 months ago
Yep, that’s pretty much spot on.
Tonally and thematically VP1 and CotP are very similar and much closer to each other than they are to VP2, although the structures of their storylines differ quite a bit. 5 months ago
Seems I got a fairly good idea from your answer and OPs post.
Seems VP1 is more optimistic in its outlook by comparison as your companions seemed to have already been qualified to be tested to join the ranks for Ragnarök. But seems to place more value on an individual character as it has effect on the meta-narrative value.
I do know that CotP deals with some pretty heavy topics of the reality of the period and I did appreciate that rawness to it as it helped sell the setting and provide sufficient investment to see how far the rabbit hole went.