Comment on I tried to selfhost Nextcloud at work 5 months agoI’m starting to see a pattern in those comments like “why did you wear a skirt that night? It looks like you asked for it…”
Cute victim mentality, but gross and insanely wrong comparison
Learn from your mistake and don’t update without testing next time, it’s 100% on whoever updates the production environment to make sure that shit isn’t broken for whatever reason before pushing it customer-side
It’s more like you bought a random white powder from your dealer without asking what it was and are now upset you almost died 5 months ago
ok, please tell me where in the release notes they say that the forms app will be automatically disabled without warning after update, thanks…/upgrade_to_30.html 5 months ago
Literally just googled “nextcloud forms” and looked at their supported versions and whaddya know, it says right on that webpage that there’s no stable version for 30 yet, so safe bet would be that it wouldn’t properly work when upgrading:
There is a supported nightly build, though, so you could probably have tried that
It’s on you to look up what will break when you update, or to test and see what happens when you do. A major update page isn’t going to list all of the things that rely on it that break because that’s fucking unreasonable 5 months ago
go to watch who is the maintainer of nextcloud forms, then see if they could have known that NC 30 was about to go out or not
It’s definitely not unreasonable that if I make product X and I make product Y, and they’re not compatible, then a bit of warning is suggested.
Again, wordpress updates break plugins all the time, but automattic plugins (same people of wordpress) never break. Coincidence? They just launch a new wordpress without checking if woocommerce or jetpack don’t work? 5 months ago
Which was given by the app that gets broken by the update
Windows doesn’t tell you that upgrading to 11 will break x, y, and z that you have installed, you’re expected to go to the sites for those programs and check if they work. Same exact idea
The same company making both apps is never a guarantee that they’ll play nice day 1, for many reasons
I’ll repeat: learn from your mistake instead of blaming other people for your naivete. If an app is important and might break during an update of something: check the apps documentation to see if it supports said update