One time I found jeans at Costco for <10 USD, didn’t need any but you might as well try
Comment on Back to mother 4 months ago
Seriously, I went to Kohl’s yesterday and got two pairs of jeans, two shirts, and a pack of socks. The total was over $200 USD, and that includes sales.
I ended up returning the jeans and socks. If I were a fish I wouldn’t have legs anyway. 4 months ago 4 months ago
wow I went to kohls a few weeks ago when they had their 50% off clearance sale and got a few pants, shirts and a sewing machine for around $120. I never really shopped at kohls before but we had to do an amazon return and that was the drop off point. we were going to get some baby clothes that was on clearance when the cashier let us know that the 50% off day was coming up, and she let us put the clothes on hold until then