Being funny is engaging in conversation though.
Here’s an actual bot answer:
Those plastic covers for electrical plugs are typically used to protect the plug prongs when they’re not in use. They help prevent the prongs from getting bent, damaged, or exposed to dirt and debris. Plus, they can minimize the risk of accidentally touching the prongs and getting a static shock.
And here’s a joke that I asked ChatGPT to make:
Ah, those little plastic mysteries—probably just trying to keep the plugs warm in the winter! 4 months ago
I guess you could say they’re plugging up the discussion!
In all seriousness, it takes more humanity to make a relevant joke than to identify an object in an image, analyze the accompanying text, and form a response that answers the question without a trace of a smart-ass tone.
The old sci-fi books were right. You can’t teach a robot to laugh. Not in the same way people do, with the tech we currently have, at least.
I just wish more people would be helpful after making their joke, all within the same comment. Keep it engaging and relevant rather than picking just one lane.