Professional hosting for business use is not hard, and fairly common even. But these make up a tiny fraction of YouTube videos, and they mostly post there to get organic growth and be suggested to people already watching YouTube.
Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago
Not just invidious, they’ve just de facto blocked video embedding:
If you’re wondering how a viable competitor could arise, other companies needing a video hosting solution that they can rely on to run their storefronts is a perfect case. This is the Humble Bundle storefront, and they could pretty easily spin up a peertube instance. If that became commonplace, it could be one way for peertube to become ubiquitous. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Sure but it’s really common to see embedded youtube videos on storefronts, and if storefronts en masse abandoned it that’s one more piece of the market that youtube has lost.
They can’t keep locking it down and not lose market share, is my point. They’re enshittifying so much, so fast, and eventually there will be a tipping point. 5 months ago
They can’t keep locking it down and not lose market share, is my point
They can very much afford to lose a tiny amount of marketshare in exchange for increased ad and subscription revenue, is my point. 5 months ago
“Massive increase” I think needs a source.
And they rely on the network effect to be the de facto standard video hoster. Every little bit of that network that they carve off while they’re enshittifying brings them closer to the critical point where people can afford to ditch them.
The logic that they can “afford” to lose marketshare is exactly what will make them keep losing it until people migrate en masse and they lose all of their marketshare. 5 months ago
Seems it’s fixed now? 5 months ago
Could be, maybe it’s intermittent, but the more times they try to lock this shit down and it stops working for storefronts, the more unreliable it becomes.
What percentage of visits can they afford to have this error happen before they seek alternatives? If it were my business and I didn’t know how many customers were closing the store page because the video didn’t play and they lost interest, I would be immediately looking for an alternative. 5 months ago
is that a possible workaround? Also, a tip from my school trying to block YouTube (idk if it applies here) is that you can ‘add to queue’ to where it plays in the corner then there’s a button to make it bigger. 5 months ago
rain world??? 5 months ago
Rain world. 5 months ago
other companies needing a video hosting solution that they can rely on to run their storefronts is a perfect use case.
Many companies use Vimeo for this. 5 months ago
I watch embedded videos all the time. Literally hundreds this weekend. Embedded is not “de facto blocked”. 5 months ago
Well I now can’t unless I disable my VPN. Storefronts would probably like VPN users to be able to use their stores, in which case they might be more interested in an alternative. 5 months ago
yo rainworld i used to have a friend that was a fan of that game 5 months ago
It’s a 10/10 for me! Amazing game but definitely not for everyone 5 months ago
True 5 months ago
What happened? 5 months ago
I dont feel like i wanna say it on lemmy 5 months ago
I wasn’t curious about your friend until this comment lmao. Cheers friend. 5 months ago
😥 5 months ago
aww, thanks!
-rain world