Nothing. Liberals and Conservatives still stand by them. Just maybe do they not do it to the same degree anymore. One of the things they did was to try and increase support for a conspiracy theory that is exists among a few immigrants in Sweden; that swedish goverment agencies kidnap their babies. I think in the exposé they did show that wanted to do this so that these conspiracy theorists would take action, because that would increase support for the far right. No issue for the other parties apparently.
And what came of it? 5 months ago 5 months ago
I have no idea but the usual playbook would be:
One bad apple resigns in disgrace. Bot farm closed. Start new bot farm. 5 months ago
There was a lot of talk about it in the news, and the right wing party did distance itself from some of the elements of the operation. Mostly they played the fake news card though, and essentially claimed that the deep state was against them - because the investigation came from the Swedish state media company.
They also had a lackluster election result (EU elections) right after, but who knows how much impact this thing had, if any.
Anyway, basically all of them are still in their jobs and they are actively taking a shit down the throats of the Swedish population, as they are currently in the majority block of the government and can as such get a lot of their politics through. 5 months ago
Just one note: it was Kalla Fakta on TV4, not state media. If it was, it would probably have been shutdown by their orders to the spineless governemnt the next week. 5 months ago
Ah shit, my bad. Will update my comment.
I believe they whined about something about the deep state being against them though, so I guess I connected the dots where no connection existed.