Comment on FPGA PS1 Teased By MiSTer Pi Creator Ahead Of PlayStation's 30th Anniversary | Time Extension 5 months agoI’ve seen their name come up, and believe I’ve clicked a few videos. IIRC, their videos seem to be the “real deal” compared to the glut of similar content creators shilling the latest aliexpress handheld.
Is there anything else I should know Taki Udon for? 5 months ago
Making MiSTeR clones without the Intel’s DE-10 Nano is a huge breakthrough for open source fpga development. They found somewhere to source the cyclone SoC individually, allowing to customize its PCB specifically for the needs of FPGA console emulation.
The fact that they demonstrated and documented their process and have actually produced a product for purchase is a first. 5 months ago
From what I can recall, this is not what happened. He has stated multiple times that he’s designed it to work as much like a DE-10 Nano as possible. There are no significant differences between his board and the original from what I can tell.