Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago
Your worth, your value is not determined by what someone else makes.
Also, I’m a bit ignorant of this subject so forgive me if I get it wrong, but did he not go to school significantly longer for his MD than you did for yours?
I believe he also had to go through the hell that is residency, I didn’t believe nurses do.
If you’re envious of his salary, improve your skills, or your education. If you’re happy where you are at In life, then don’t let the fact that others make more than you interfere with that happiness.
No matter what you do, there will always be others who make more, one of those sad facts of life. 5 months ago
Nursing education never ends. All the nurses I know are a bit loopy from the constant need to retrain and recertify. 5 months ago
This true for every regulated profession. It’s not exceptional. 5 months ago
I bet doctors need to retrain and recertify too.