Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 5 months ago
Europeans seem to be happier, healthier, and to have a generally better standard of living than Americans. Small towns in Europe have much more personality than US suburbs, which largely consist of strip mall after strip mall. Food in Europe is focused on quality, whereas in the US the focus is on quantity. 5 months ago
Not so much in Netherlands, at least. The portions are huge, and as a Dutch person I like to cook more because I cook better than most “restaurant” “cooks” here. 5 months ago
I agree. I currently live near den Haag and the food leaves something to be desired. Kind of a surprise that a country so close to France - a culinary pinnacle - hasn’t picked up a thing or two. 5 months ago
Gotta find a good restaurant, the cheap, quick or busy places usually aren’t the ones with the best food