Isn’t that genocide? You think slavery conditions that are so bad people die is a good thing?
Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months agoBetter dead than a slave any day. 5 months ago 5 months ago
wtf are you smoking? I am speaking from my own personal opinion that I’d rather be dead than a slave any day. If someone else in the system wants to be a slave, that’s on them. But I would rather die than work for pennies or less of compensation just to line the pockets of some already wealthy corporation. 5 months ago
You were speaking about someone else’s real death, actually, and saying “better off dead than a slave.” It comes across callous.
If everyone lived by your recommendation, all employees would kill themselves because their lives aren’t worth living as a slave. Do you really think all employees qualia is so worthless that it’s better they kill themselves? They should be further abused by slavery by being denied what joy they can squeeze from it? Don’t you think this just helps the people who want to harm us and genocide us?
Don’t you find a joy in spitefully opposing capitalists and slavers? Every time you enjoy life without paying a penny for it, you thwart capitalism. Every time you enjoy life outside of capitalist bullshit, you break the trance and lies it’s trying to market to us.
Autonomy and power work like roots in a rock. Let the little tiny parts work through and the bigger ones will come too to break it apart. Seize the little powers you can and then work on bigger ones. Use your rights. 5 months ago
I was talking about one single person, myself. I literally posed it as myself being in this situation. You are obviously literate enough to write that whole diatribe that I’m not going to waste my time reading, but you are too stupid to notice that I wasn’t talking about anyone but myself. Get fucked dude lmfao 5 months ago
You’re so smart! You solved slavery! 5 months ago
Ok… 👍