- Comment on A perfect run only to find out he's not in the labs 5 days ago:
I always killed him. Fuck that guy.
- Comment on Don't worry, my computer phone will remember things for me. 2 months ago:
How dare you post this in shitpost? I giggled and related to it… these are not the qualities of a shitpost.
- Comment on It pains to admit but i got Bird Jones'ed when buying my first telescope 3 months ago:
Alright, now explain it.
- Comment on Ubisoft launches NFT game with figures costing up to $63K 4 months ago:
A bit late to the party for this particular grift id say.
- Comment on Mha heart 4 months ago:
You’d be surprised
- Comment on bwird of paradise 5 months ago:
What the fuck…. I thought the exact same thing until this moment. Idk what to say, my life is a lie. This is like when I found out that Disney wasn’t spelled with a backwards G at the front.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Cutting my food would just make it more akin to life now, so they won’t have much luck there. Getting parole I generally wouldn’t expect, but when facing a parole board I’d mention that being a slave falls under my own definition of cruel and unusual, so I refuse, and if that doesn’t sway them, I’m likely fucked regardless. Being transferred to a more dangerous unit would likely lead to death, but as I’ve said multiple times in this post, better dead than a slave. Overall, if my choices are slavery that likely ends in being maimed and then death, or not being a slave and then dying, I’ll take the latter any day of the week.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
I was talking about one single person, myself. I literally posed it as myself being in this situation. You are obviously literate enough to write that whole diatribe that I’m not going to waste my time reading, but you are too stupid to notice that I wasn’t talking about anyone but myself. Get fucked dude lmfao
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
wtf are you smoking? I am speaking from my own personal opinion that I’d rather be dead than a slave any day. If someone else in the system wants to be a slave, that’s on them. But I would rather die than work for pennies or less of compensation just to line the pockets of some already wealthy corporation.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Ok… 👍
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Yeah, as I said in another comment, better dead than a slave.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Better dead than a slave any day.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Who need stimulation? Sleep is stimulating enough. Also, I’m pretty adept at creating games and tiny things to occupy my mind and time. Being a kid pre internet with few homies around definitely prepared me for such an occurrence. And I get it, it’d be that but for months on end, but if it prevents me from being a slave, then such is life.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
As a prisoner, what happens if you refuse? Like, in that position I’d just say no, then they’d likely throw me in the hole, but that’s a lot better than being a slave from what I can tell.
- Comment on At least 80 dead after suspected Boko Haram attack in Nigeria 5 months ago:
150 people shooting and only 80 dead? While I agree this is a tragedy, idk how that many people can be shooting and hit/kill barely more than half of their own numbers.
- Comment on Disney has “earned” latest streaming price hike, CFO says 6 months ago:
With how absolutely garbage most of their shows have been, I wholeheartedly disagree.
- Comment on Levels of delusion 7 months ago:
- Comment on USA | Families, grocery workers hid in freezer to survive Arkansas mass shooting 8 months ago:
No, I’m saying that the right’s reason for lax gun laws doesn’t seem to mean shit, because even with the laws as lax as they are there, there still wasn’t anyone there to handle the situation. So maybe the laws being more strict would’ve kept the damn gun out of this nut’s hands.
- Comment on USA | Families, grocery workers hid in freezer to survive Arkansas mass shooting 8 months ago:
So they’ve got the weakest gun laws, which often leads to more civilians with guns… but there wasn’t a “good guy with a gun” present in this situation capable of taking this guy down?
- Comment on Robbers made off with "several million euros" of jewels in armed heist of ‘Jeweler to the Stars’ 9 months ago:
First the prison transport break, now a multimillion dollar jewel heist, France is basically Universal Studios now?
- Comment on Next Battlefield game will have “connected” multiplayer and single-player offerings, made by series’ biggest team yet 9 months ago:
The current one is playable. It just took a while to get there… and some maps refuse to load for the first few minutes of a match… then the map loads, but player models don’t leading you to get shredded by an invisible opponent. It does have its issues like all BF games, but it is definitely a DRASTIC improvement from what it started as. A lot more maps, a shit load more guns, and this is coming from someone who was legit disgusted with what they originally released.
- Comment on Boy Scouts of America changes name after bankruptcy and sexual abuse claims 9 months ago:
That’s definitely down to the individual troop. The troop I was in required nothing like that. The most religious part to it for my troop was the fact that we met in the basement of a church (it was their daycare area, so not all “basement-y”
- Comment on Because of smartphones, pocket TVs were never a thing. 10 months ago:
Watch season 1 episode 8 of friends, Joey has a pocket tv to watch the football game at a funeral.
- Comment on The next Batman: Arkham game after Kill the Justice League is a VR title exclusive to the Meta Quest 10 months ago:
So they want this game to die as well. Neat!
- Comment on This is what peak performance looks like 10 months ago:
It’s hard to say, but it looks like Counter Strike
- Comment on Austria stepping up police checks in border areas after Germany liberalizes cannabis rules 11 months ago:
To be honest, I don’t think this will bug Australians that much. 😝
- Comment on Scallops 11 months ago:
- Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago:
I have very large hands, so even back then, that 1st gen Xbox fattie controller was magnificent. I miss them dearly.
- Comment on Payday 3 sales "significantly lower" than hoped, but Starbreeze focused on "long-term success" 1 year ago:
This is part of a franchise that focuses on pulling heists at like banks and museums and such. There are a multitude of different approaches that each team can take to the situations, but overall it’s about getting the most loot, and getting out alive.
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse.