Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago
I agree the ‘tech-savvy’ phrase has outdone its use. We should use a better phrase, like ‘tech-indoctrinated’ or ‘tablet-fed’ to give a better perspective into these younger kids’ digital lifestyles. 5 months ago
I can see the alphas railing against the term “tablet-fed”. They are NOT gonna like that.
That’s gonna be what us cranky old millennials call them later while we would be yelling at them to get off our lawn. But we won’t yell that, because none of us will own any yards. 5 months ago
they’ll just yell at millenials and genz for raising them like that lmao 5 months ago
Lmao fr 5 months ago
we’ve got it coming eventually! 5 months ago
The actual term for Alphas is “iPad kid” lol 5 months ago
I disagree for the term “tablet-fed” as it classifies anyone who used a tablet growing up and not people who stayed within the cushy UX bounds. A lot of the future programmers & tech savvy people are going to have grown up from using tablets. Example, installing mods for minecraft PE when i was ~7 was my first experience actually doing something with tech.
I’m not far enough down the tech rabbithole to use Arch like a lot of people here, but compared to the rest of the population who can’t find powerpoint that’s *right infront of their faces *I’d be considered tech-savvy to them. 5 months ago
I feel like it does imply that though. “tablet-fed” really does sound more severe than just using it having one around.