You’re pretty far off base here.
Comment on School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety. 5 months ago
If your kids’ school laptops are surveilled, they’re surveilled by someone. Let’s call that someone Joe. Joe is a person who took a low-paying job that lets him surveil your kids. Joe likes his job, because he gets to surveil your kids. He gets to turn on the camera and look in your kids’ room. He gets to read the chat messages your kids send to their classmates.
Your kids would be better off without Joe in their lives. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I don’t think you understand just how locked down modern school laptops are. They don’t have access to Google snake, much less something like discord to chat with their friends. I semi-volenteer with my highschools library and I have to make tickets because some kids date/time was wrong and they didn’t have the ability to fix it. We don’t even have the ability to share PowerPoints anymore. The people that look on them are also the overworked IT guys that have to deal with these BS date/time tickets all day.
Teenagers are crafty and don’t have respect for the technology provided to them. I’ve seen (on multiple occasions) my peers beat the screen of the free laptop repeatedly if it’s too ‘slow’ 5 months ago
Just to clarify, the majority of active pedophiles are opportunistic, they go after those they have access to.
This is why every industry that has greater access to children, also has an greater number of pedophile scandals… It’s a problem, and yeah, giving someone direct access via a computer to a child’s digital life is a form of access that might be used opportunistically by such people. 5 months ago
I work IT in schools. There is limited surveillance tools on college owned devices. Mainly logging of web traffic. Screens can be viewed when on campus network, not reachable off campus.
No one in our department has time to waste looking at web history or screens. Teachers don’t bother to use it much either. We only look at it when directed by college executive or when I go in there at the end of term to clear the alerts.
I’d imagine most other schools are similar, no one gives a shit what kids are doing on their devices 5 months ago
Except Joe. And people like Joe. Whose surveillance of kids is now not only easier, but sanctioned. 5 months ago
Exactly. It’s like a tacit admission that the only reason to have this stuff is for people like Joe. 5 months ago
kids looking at porn on their school laptops is why the tools exist, not for pedos. ‘Joe’ is 0.001% of people, not the majority! 5 months ago
That’s what it looks like when it works well. There’s no way for parents to know if its a Joe situation or not.
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.…/610k-settlement-in-school-webcam-sp… 5 months ago
So if no one gives a shit anyway you don’t need the surveillance capabilities anyway, right? 5 months ago
a private school needs to give the appearance that they do, or at least have this capability when someone asks. On the ground, its barely used