Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? ⁨3⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Finding a good physician is as difficult as finding a good romance or a good therapist. You need to shop around to find the right fit. After years of struggling with horrible Healthcare I finally found the perfect fit - a middle aged lesbian Nurse Practitioner working out of a health center that caters to lower income folks and the LGBTQ community. Every time I go in we chit chat for a few minutes, then she spends at least half an hour with me going through all of my concerns. She’s very thorough and has made a dramatically positive experience in my health. I can even shoot her an email any time and she gets back to me within a day.

I think it helps that the health center’s board of directors is entirely staffed by the physicians working there, overseen by an elderly doctor who spent his entire career helping the needy in his community.

Keep trying. It’s frustrating, but the right fit is out there.
