You…really don’t have to.
Again, I’m all for ad blockers, I use Firefox, I’ve ran my own pihole instance, etc.
I’m just going to be frank, you’re being a little melodramatic. Do you just get vaporized when you use someone else’s computer and an ad blocker isn’t installed? Likely not.
Ironically, by framing what is just a quality of life thing as a mandatory reaction to content providers actions, it sounds like you’re the one trying to shift blame onto them. Your entire argument has very strong “LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO” energy. 3 months ago
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t piracy?
Downloading old Nintendo ROMs because the company refuses to redistribute them is also piracy, even though I would say it’s morally justified. 3 months ago
This has been argued in courts ad nauseum. It is not piracy. Just downloading is not piracy. If you download a ROM from a site, the site is guilty of piracy. You are not. If you download from a torrent though, you’re guilty because you’re also participating in the distribution. There’s also nuance with profit depending on the jurisdiction. But, just like throwing away a pamphlet is not piracy, refusing to download and ad is not piracy. 3 months ago
Roms arent adblocking. 3 months ago
Not the point I was making.