The Gold Star families asked him to lay a wreath, which he did. He did not violate any laws. The Hatch Act is for federal employees, which Trump is not.
The only reason this made the news is an employee overstepped their authority and tried to block a Gold Star family from laying a wreath on their child’s grave. The person should be terminated.
This policy
supersedes the Media Policy for Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) and the Soldiers’
and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery (SAHNC)
The ANC is irrelevant in this case.
Filming or photographing will not be permitted if it conveys the impression that
cemetery officials or any visitor or family member is endorsing any product, service or
Firstly, it doesn’t seem that Trump violated what you cited, since he took no pictures, nor is there proof that he ordered anyone else to take any pictures. Secondly, it’d take a narrow interpretation of the pictures to presume that they’re meant to endorse Trump himself, any more than images of Joe Biden earlier this year were meant to endorse Joe Biden’s campaign (…/14636/). Families like having pictures of an authority figure paying respects to their fallen loved ones. They reached out to Biden and Kamala Harris first, after all, which doesn’t seem to me like they were aiming to exactly join Trump’s campaign. 5 months ago…/ANC-media-policy.pdf 5 months ago
He laid a wreath. So the law wasn’t violated and the hatch act is a joke. 5 months ago
“Laws for thee, but NOT FOR ME!”
This is the type of POS you want running a country. Nice. 5 months ago
The Gold Star families asked him to lay a wreath, which he did. He did not violate any laws. The Hatch Act is for federal employees, which Trump is not. The only reason this made the news is an employee overstepped their authority and tried to block a Gold Star family from laying a wreath on their child’s grave. The person should be terminated. 5 months ago
The ANC is irrelevant in this case.
Firstly, it doesn’t seem that Trump violated what you cited, since he took no pictures, nor is there proof that he ordered anyone else to take any pictures. Secondly, it’d take a narrow interpretation of the pictures to presume that they’re meant to endorse Trump himself, any more than images of Joe Biden earlier this year were meant to endorse Joe Biden’s campaign (…/14636/). Families like having pictures of an authority figure paying respects to their fallen loved ones. They reached out to Biden and Kamala Harris first, after all, which doesn’t seem to me like they were aiming to exactly join Trump’s campaign.