Comment on "what happened??" 5 months agoFar Cry 5 is the best story IMO
the boss characters are great and the girl that uses the powder to attack you is the greatest part in the game. Sad that she isnt one of the end game bosses because that part was rad.
My favorite easter egg is also, if you don’t arrest the dude at the very beginning of the game, the game ends and you see the credits like you beat it 5 months ago
Have to respectfully disagree, but I’ll give that FC5 was consistently pretty good throughout. FC3 started off the first half on the highest of notes and finished somewhere in the middle before sending you to horny jail for being bad boy. FC5 was a solid B+ game. Not one for the ages, but definitely a fun way to kill a few hours. FC5 does have really good co-op. My wife and I each have 100+ hours in FC5 specifically because we played through it together several times.
I thought Faith was a pretty good character. Especially as you dive a little more into her lore. Her dudes that pop out of nowhere can be annoying though lol
We also did the easter egg ending.