Comment on Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates. 6 months ago
Comment on Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Drivers still need to find a way to connect with clients that need a ride, and thats where Uber shines. Existing as an independent taxi where you just drive around and hope you find someone to hail you doesn’t really work. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Of course they can still likely run fine, but uber does make things more efficient and generally reduces non-fare idle time, which means less wasted money for drivers. It’s reasonable to expect them to keep using the app to get riders when they can, even if they’re going to try and charge on-top to cover their expenses. 6 months ago
Sounds like Uber just needs to let the drivers set their own rates.
You know, like an independent contractor does. Because that’s what they’ve been saying drivers are already (in the US, at least). 6 months ago
I don’t think you know what that word means, and I am saying that as someone who is strongly anti-uber