And it’s insane how angry people get when you call out Democrats for their role in all this.
Comment on New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison 5 months agoAgreed, and it’s telling that the same Democrats who did absolutely nothing to stop these fascists, resulting in a probable second (or even permanent) Trump presidency, are supposed to be moral imperative we all have to vote for lest fascists take over. I’m not sure why any reasonable person trusts anything these Democrats say. 5 months ago 5 months ago
If you can step back and look at it all objectively, definitely.
Most people can’t. They’ve just voted party line their entire lives as their parents did, and there seems to be an almost cultish devotion to it all these days. 5 months ago
Tell you what, you go ahead and raise the infrastructure for a Left Field Party with a positive program of goals and strong brainworm-free candidates. If you gather enough support, you can elect midterm Congresspersons with whom the Democrats will have to form a coalition (the Wrong Wing certainly won’t) in order to accomplish anything. This may also draw the Dem Party as a whole toward the left, though some swing districts may react by going completely Wrong in the next election.
Whether you can make any real changes in American politics is going to depend on the oratory skills of your candidates and an organized positive program for them to present.
Just sniping at the Democrats for not succeeding against the Grand Old Cult isn’t helping yourselves or anyone. And turning people off voting for the less-bad party in November is just sucking Trump’s dick. 5 months ago
I understand I’m shouting into the void.
Having 99% of voters comprised of sycophantic devotion to an objectively failed party is a barrier no one can overcome, unless you’re a billionaire.