You’re already cut off from your family, friends and society because you choose to die on this hill over and over, so what’s another service?
Comment on Google Gemini might soon handle your WhatsApp calls, notifications, and more (APK teardown) 5 months ago
Well, knowing what gemini is about I fully expect the assistant to enforce using custom pronouns and “inclusive” language or else you will be cut off the service. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Ah yes. Google is at the forefront of progressiveness.
Dumbass… please go back to shitter. 5 months ago
Yes, because they totally are enforing that hare-brained move on the other platforms they own, like on Youtube and sites returned in the search 🙄.
They don’t give a singular shit about your politics, or about inclusivity. They care about money. They only care about avoiding bad PR if it gets bad enough to impact their money.
You all keep complaining about this shit, but the most I’ve seen any of these companies do is toss an incredibly lazy word filter up on posting stuff publicly, and on rare occasions taking manual action after enough reports or against celebrities. 5 months ago
You sound like a dumb fuck
Please stop 5 months ago
Sounds like you don’t know what Gemini is.
Sounds like you don’t know a lot of stuff. 5 months ago
“Shoehorning the culture war into random tech news” speed run any%: successful.