Nice. Software developer, gamer, occasionally 3d printing, coffee lover.
- Comment on How do people even function on a 9:00 to 5? 6 days ago:
It really depends on the job. My 9-5 is hybrid, so 3 days in a week minimum, others can be remote. We have core hours, 10-4, where I should be available. So I can WFH and have something for 4PM, get back, and wrap up my last hour. But my boss is also very understanding, and if I need to be unavailable within core hours, he won’t force me to take PTO if I make up those hours.
- Comment on Swimming pool, blind dog 1 week ago:
I mean it sounds like a removable mesh pool fence is what you need. The holes might be permanent, but properly installed inserts would make them less conspicuous.
- Comment on What Exactly is the Issue with my Bambu P1S...? It Both Under and Overextrudes in Batched areas and sometimes leaves what looks like Overheated Ripples? 1 week ago:
My first impression from the adhesion issue (which doesn’t appear to be the main issue of this post) is that you may need to clean your build plate. But considering it was relatively good as it is, I assume you did and the few spots may just be accidental touches to the surface. In either case, their guide is here: wiki.bambulab.com/en/…/pei-plate-clean-guide
As for the extrusion issue - considering the apparent randomness of it my guess would be either an issue with the filament or a partial clog.
- Comment on How much of my sleep debt do I need to pay off? 4 weeks ago:
Honestly one could probably make a comparison to a loan shark, you keep paying it off but the interest is so high and you keep borrowing more you just stay in debt and keep sinking deeper.
- Comment on How much of my sleep debt do I need to pay off? 4 weeks ago:
Sleep debt itself is a weird metric. You can’t “pay it back”, lost sleep is lost sleep, period.
The body doesn’t keep track, the body just complains. You might feel weird if there is a dramatic change to your sleep schedule.
- Comment on What's the last point on your todo list? 1 month ago:
“hot tub - $$$$”
Right under “fix the back pain that plagues my life” which is right below “get LASIK”.
- Comment on The Black Friday sale for the most popular gaming system on the planet doesn't actually have any games on sale...? 3 months ago:
It is, which is why I check on darkpattern.games when finding a new one.
In a similar vein, Slice and Dice is on mobile and well worth it in my opinion.
- Comment on Tanned Femboy 3 months ago:
We see you OP. We see what you’re really into. :P
- Comment on Using GPT-4 to generate 100 words consumes up to 3 bottles of water — AI data centers also raise power and water bills for nearby residents 5 months ago:
I specifically avoided saying they did because I wasn’t knowledgeable on the topic. But I agree, I could equally be accused of being disingenuous by phrasing it in a way that could lead people to assume they use closed loops.
I did look those up, and while evaporation cooling isn’t the only method used, it also doesn’t evaporate all the water each pass, only a portion of it (granted “a portion” is all I found at a quick look, which isn’t actually useful).
I do agree though, the water usage is excessive, and when though that water only “changes forms”, it’s still removes it from a water source and only some of it may make its way back in.
- Comment on Using GPT-4 to generate 100 words consumes up to 3 bottles of water — AI data centers also raise power and water bills for nearby residents 5 months ago:
Yeah the article is disingenuous at best. There are many things wrong with generative AI, but this is just a lousy approach.
If I make a PC, put in a water cooling loop, and use it to run an LLM - sure, water is circulating, but that water isn’t just vanishing lol.
- Comment on Any non-tech-background self-hosters? 6 months ago:
Programming and self hosting the results when I was ~14 is what led me to a tech background. No university, but I’ve been working professionally in both IT and software for over a decade and self hosting even longer.
- Comment on Patreon: adding Apple’s 30 percent tax is the price of staying in the App Store 6 months ago:
What we can work on is awareness. If iOS users are aware, they can choose to simply go to the website directly and make the purchase, instead of using the app. They can still use the app for consumption.
- Comment on Facing Renoviction? Here's Why 7 months ago:
Going by their comment history, Germany.
- Comment on Looks like Subnautica devs have been sneakily posting Subnautica 2 screenshots in the original game 7 months ago:
I haven’t checked in a while, so they may have walked back on this, but supposedly we finally get coop in the next one.
- Comment on Windows 11 is nagging users to try OneDrive to "fully backup" your PC 7 months ago:
Man, they just keep burying their head further. I still have Windows 10 on my gaming PC, and that’s more because I plan on replacing it and will use that moment to transition to Linux, but up until a few months ago I could have been convinced to keep using Windows.
That was until they popped up a full screen ad in the middle of gaming, telling me my PC doesn’t work with 11 but they have great financing options forn a 11 capable PC. Followed by my lock screen having ads of a similar nature. Fucking gross.
- Comment on Zed, GPU-accelerated IDE Written in Rust, is now available for Linux 7 months ago:
There are quite a few usable ones. And yes, it is strange it doesn’t support it. You can expose an OpenAI-like API for chat, but not completion.
It’s also missing git functionality (it is on the roadmap), only showing you modified or new files.
- Comment on I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity 8 months ago:
Copilot / LLM code completion feels like having a somewhat intelligent helper who can think faster than I can, however they have no understanding of how to actually code, but are good at mimicry.
So it’s helpful for saving time typing some stuff, and sometimes the absolutely weird suggestions make me think of other scenarios I should consider, but it’s not going to do the job itself.
- Comment on No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK 10 months ago:
The law is for devices that come out of the box with a weak default. Like buying a wifi hotspot where the default is “admin123” would be bad. The default being random and printed on a label in the device is probably what this is aiming to usher in.
- Comment on Smooth 10 months ago:
You don’t?
- Comment on After 30 years, I'm finally going to see a total solar eclipse. Also, Potato World is a thing. 10 months ago:
I happened to be able to see the 2017 one and it was so impactful I saved the date and made sure I’d make it happen. Cut forward 7 years and here I am with most of my immediate family (I have 6 siblings so having most is impressive).
It is an experience that can’t be captured by any form of digital or physical media and my only way to describe it is - it’s the closest thing to magic I’ve ever experienced.
I plan on saving up and going overseas for one as well.
- Comment on 99 Cents Only stores closing all 371 locations, liquidation sales starting Friday 11 months ago:
My grandmother did the same thing when we were kids. Everytime they visited it was like a tradition to go to Dollar Tree (we don’t have these specific stores) and get to pick out one toy we would then proceed to break the same day.
- Comment on Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why? 11 months ago:
I’ve been using Porkbun for over 5 years and haven’t had any issues. I switched from a mix of Google Domains and Namecheap.
- Comment on Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why? 11 months ago:
Generally the country based TLDs have that problem. That isn’t unique to porkbun or .de
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
- Comment on Those lights were actually that guy's low beams. 1 year ago:
Or my rearview mirror while blinding me…
- Comment on California tech company films bizarre video pushing return-to-office plan — Internet Brands, an El Segundo-based tech company with subsidiaries like WebMD and CarsDirect 1 year ago:
Why does their CEO look like he could be a human version of Me Poopy Butthole from Rick and Morty?
Also I like the choice of including a damn vending machine in the video. My new job might only be hybrid WFH but at least the break room is stocked and completely free.
- Comment on Japanese disaster prevention X account can’t post anymore after hitting API limit - The issue has arisen after major Tsunami warnings have been issued in areas of Japan following a strong earthquake 1 year ago:
One likely reason they’re still on X is so those that didn’t get the memo to use their app or otherwise can’t still can still get alerts. Switching to multiple accounts would require people who likely wouldn’t notice to follow the others, and those that would do that would hopefully have downloaded the app. And yes, if a person isn’t noticing they need to get the app they likely won’t notice a critical alert, but when you’re dealing with people’s lives everything counts.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
BG3 for me. It’s been a while since a game has captured me so much.
- Comment on Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist. 1 year ago:
My home page is literally bathtub streamers and horny VR chat streamers, I think it’s because I watch VR chat meme streamers (lolathon, darrenzeus) and the algorithm just thinks that means I want horny shit. I’ll have to look at that extension.
- Comment on Where do guns go when people are done using them? 1 year ago:
If you have it rendered permanently inoperable per ATF guidelines you can technically throw it away. Still alot of hassle when buybacks are a thing.