- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 2 months ago:
You’re right. I updated the comment
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 2 months ago:
You’re right. I updated the comment
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 2 months ago:
Right to work is: A right to be fired at any point for any reason or no reason at all
The goal is to get around any union protections that require things like a legitimate reason to be fired from a job.
It also has the added bonus of drastically reducing the benefits of unions and making them much easier to prevent.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I only communicate with internal employees, so we’re all in the same network with company issues laptops. I even tried the app on my phone for a while and that wasn’t any better so I ditched it
I’m honestly surprised anyone has had a good experience with Teams
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I use it 5 days a week for work and don’t have connectivity problems.
These issues are company wide and are not unique to me. I would switch isp providers if that would solve the issue. It’s bad enough that if you want a new computer you just talk to tech support about the issues and they’ll send you a new one since they can’t fix it (not that the new laptops work any better with teams)
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Works well? In relation to what? Carrier pigeons? Did you forget the /S ?
The only thing I’ve seen it do well is share recorded videos almost immediately.
It doesn’t even send messages as you’d expect. It’ll show sent on your side but the other person never gets it
Someone calls and it rings, but the answer me button has a 50% chance of not being there so you can’t actually join unless it’s a group call and then you can after it rings for 30 seconds and you don’t even know who called unless they ping you saying they’re calling
Sharing your screen takes a few tries occasionally and sometimes requires you to rejoin the call
Notifications? What notifications. They work so rarely it’s become a habit to manually check every few minutes
And it opens docs in teams!? Who wants that hot garbage
I’d gladly take Skype over the garbage that teams is
And if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s apparently such trash that it triggers me when someone has anything nice to say about teams 😅
- Comment on Not even poor Notepad is safe from Microsoft's AI obsession 1 year ago:
Visual studio and visual studio code are not the same thing. Visual Studio is a full IDE and is expected to have those features and is clunky because of them. Or was, not sure where it is now. It’d be in the same category as netbeans, eclipsed, and intellij
Vs code is an enhanced lightweight text editor
Notepad++ is the original enhanced lightweight text editor
- Comment on Not even poor Notepad is safe from Microsoft's AI obsession 1 year ago:
I think you mean you discovered vs code years before you found notepad++
Notepad++ has been around since 2003 years and vs code has been around since 2015.
- Comment on Some Australians fear disability is 'infecting' the lives of non-disabled people, royal commissioner says 1 year ago:
“I have also been told that there is fear — fear that disability is contaminating, infecting the lives of the non-disabled community with sight, sound, and behaviour that might disturb and interfere with non-disabled lives,” Dr Galbally said.
“For example, I have been told that there is fear that having disabled students in mainstream classrooms will be detrimental to the education of non-disabled students … yet, research presented to the commission shows this fear does not have any legitimate basis.”
- Comment on Artificial intelligence technology behind ChatGPT was built in Iowa -- with a lot of water 1 year ago:
The issue is that the process doesn’t put the water immediately back to where it was pulled from. That water is lost until the water cycle brings it back to the area
Pull enough water water out of an environment before it can be replenished and the ecosystem will drastically change
- Comment on “We’re not ‘gatekeepers,’” Apple and Microsoft tell European Union 1 year ago:
Not just built in to windows but forced on you in windows.
- Comment on Apple to Limit iPhone 15 USB-C Cables to USB 2.0 Speeds: Report 1 year ago:
It really should be 3.0 speeds but its not any slower than the lightning cable so it’s pretty much the same. Just a univercharging port instead of an iPhone specific one.
“ the company will limit the transfer speeds on the base model iPhones to just 480Mb/s, the same as Lightning and USB 2.0.”
- Comment on San Francisco's North Beach streets clogged as long line of Cruise robotaxis come to a standstill 1 year ago:
In a way it has. The fleet of robotaxis blocked traffic due to their low cell service and now the company responsible is washing their hands clean by saying it’s not our problem, it’s the lack of cell service!
So, if at any point, they get less than optimal signal then they’ll put the grid in a deadlock?
Sounds even worse than people protesting to earn a living and get equal treatment