- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
You wrote “couldn’t load a gun if you handed them one”. That implies liberals don’t own guns. So the inverse is conservatives own guns.
Unless you mean even if they own a gun they still don’t know how to load it?
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
You really think conservatives are the only ones who own guns? Really?
- Comment on Eelz 11 months ago:
Heh nice!
- Comment on After watching batman throw around explosives left and right I no longer believe batman doesn't use guns because of some sort of moral quandary but rather he just prefers the challenge. 11 months ago:
It’s more of a moral and emotional reason. His parents were killed with a gun. Guns are designed to kill. So he’s not a fan of guns.
- Comment on the agent's argument in the matrix 1 year ago:
Looking at global statistics the world is getting better. Not in global warming. But violence, freedom, wars, health. It’s hard to see because nobody talks about it. It’s easy to get stuck doom scrolling. But it’s not the whole picture. We as a global society agree slavery is bad. That is a pretty new concept in the history of our species. We went from the first powered flight to space in 50 years. That is insanity. Yes, there are lots of fucked up things we caused, but ultimately I believe in our ability to figure it out eventually. Everything we do and have done, is natural. We are a product of evolution just like every other living thing on this planet.
I think our world is amazing, and that includes humanity.
- Comment on Lucid's new all-electric Gravity SUV is a sustainability champion 1 year ago:
Wow, that is a surprisingly ugly interior
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
I could tell, that’s why I went in depth. I’m surprised you didn’t get expelled.
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
What you were doing was big enough to go straight to reporting. The way he saw you as a person probably changed. Its really not surprising he didn’t talk to you first.
I mean if you were sharing homework answers or olds test, or even cheating on your own test that would be different. You were compltly doing others homework for money. You keep saying that they still did the tests. Well depending on the class, the homework is a big part of the grade. Not to mention all the added free time they get by not doing homework. Extra time to study, less stress, and a boost to their grade. Plus you were doing this for money, not to help a friend or so they would help you with yours. AND it was multiple people, many times throughout the class. On scale of severity, what you did isn’t the absolute worst possible but it’s getting close.
- Comment on PSA: check your cash back rewards balance: NFA 1 year ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Can we get a NSFL and a NSFW tag?