- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
This 🔝
Berlusconi had a similar political appeal. After he exited politics, his party went to the biggest in Italy to insignificant.
It will be really difficult for someone to pick up the Republican Party and run with the same platform as DJT. Many have tried it (e.g. de santis) but none is able to have the same success.
- Comment on If became the biggest in the fediverse with a user base that could rival Reddit. Would it become monetized? 6 months ago:
I assume that 80% of the users are on one or two instances. Maybe the operators of those instances could sell it to a big publishing company, like Condé Nast or something. That way it will be easier to vertically integrate advertisement between traditional print media, online publications, and less formal online gathering places. It’s a win win at the end. The original operators get their bag, and the community keeps going while being supported by a successful business.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Of course. He is only a chatting predator or pedofile.
/s btw. I don’t know anything about the situation
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
Will 2024 be old people?
- Comment on Could plants/trees be an evil alien species that came to earth and made us dependent on them ? 1 year ago:
If we want to believe the evil alien theory, viruses might actually fit the bill better than plants, with fungi as a possible unlikely second.
- Comment on Flipboard is pivoting to ActivityPub and the fediverse 1 year ago:
I just hope it’s not just a way to get users then close back up the platforms once they have enough users.
- Comment on Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders. 1 year ago:
How much money would they want to skim to distribute the music? 33-66 split doesn’t sound so bad considered that they don’t produce the music, sign artist, promote them, etc
They can always start their own label if they believe that vertical integration will be more profitable for them.
They tried that with podcasts and it didn’t go as planned
- Comment on California clean energy industry rocked with widespread jobs losses, bankruptcies, following state’s dismantling of rooftop solar program 1 year ago:
They decided to pay wholesale prices for electricity sold back to the grid instead of residential prices. That means that any excess power sold goes from around 33 cents to 6 cents, meaning that most people won’t see a change in their bills after installing solar because most households use power at night when there is no sun. This leads to people just not installing solar panels anymore.
- Comment on Politically-engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic -- even in non-political subreddits 1 year ago:
This sounds like the textbook definition of a collider. Meaning that being toxic is the likely “root cause” and that toxic people are more likely to engage in political discourse (because it’s likely going to be toxic anyways? Idk) and they are more likely to comment toxic stuff in general.
- Comment on Apple just discreetly launched a raft of new machine learning tools, and they’re free 1 year ago:
Why would they charge for it? If you build an app with it and want to charge for it, they will take 30% of whatever you make.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I agree with you. That’s why I make an effort to at least leave a comment every time I use the app.
- Comment on What if the Gaza Strip declared independence? 1 year ago:
I’m not an expert in middle eastern politics.
My uninformed take is that if the Gaza Strip was to self organize as a state, they will implicitly recognize Israel as a state as they will have to decide on borders.
Being unrecognized allows the Palestinian authority to claim all the former Palestinian land as their own.
- Comment on If Phone Game Ads Were Allowed Elsewhere 1 year ago:
Alexa, why am I seeing ads on lemmy??
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Do we really need more people here? There are no investors to appease or advertisers to swindle.
Unlimited growth should be a metric we should chase over other stuff like engagement on posts, quality of submissions, etc.
- Comment on Share NFS with Tailscale Network 1 year ago:
You need to get a subdomain. It should be two words separated by a hyphen. Then you use that as the address.
If your address is glossy-mouse, the address will be
- Comment on What's the best approach to deploy a static website to K8s cluster from a CI pipeline? 1 year ago:
I imagine you are using k8s because you want to learn the platform.
In a real cluster with multiple machines, you don’t know which machine will run your container (that’s the point of clusters).
Do you need to host your files on a storage server and link these files to the containers through nfs.
See this post for an example on his to do it.
- Comment on Share NFS with Tailscale Network 1 year ago:
If you enable Tailscale DNS, you can even mount the share using the host subdomain instead of using the ip address.
- Comment on What's the best approach to deploy a static website to K8s cluster from a CI pipeline? 1 year ago:
My advice would be to have the server running on the cluster serving the static folder mounted through a network drive in the container. Then you just need to sync the content to the drive as the last step in your CI.
Alternatively, you will need to bake the static content in the container but then you will have to host it somewhere for the closer to get.
- Comment on Sealing gaps in duct work letting out air 1 year ago:
Aluminum duct tape (the one for air ducts not the duck tape) is the way to go. It usually has a paper back you need to remove from the tape because it’s super sticky. If you use regular tape, it will unglue with the heat.
- Comment on [QUESTION(s)] Accessing file sharing server from different networks 1 year ago:
I would suggest using Tailscale. It’s an app that runs on your local and remote computers. You log in with your google account, get a special up address that starts with 100.x.x.x. Then you use the special IP address to connect through ssh or mount a volume through samba.
- Comment on What's the difference between communism and socialism? 1 year ago:
In real general terms, communism is about people/state’s ownership of the means of production. Under this system, most private property is nationalized.
Socialism allows for private property and sees the role of the state to redistribute power and wealth among its citizens through some sort of state program.
- Comment on Web Based Static Site Generator? 1 year ago:
Fair enough. If you want to self host, you can go with forgjo as your web ui and forgjo CI/woodpecker CI for building and deploying the site.
I don’t know of any other self-hostable way to build and push a static site. There was forestry but they discontinued it for a paid service.
- Comment on Web Based Static Site Generator? 1 year ago:
You can do all of the through GitHub and GitHub actions by picking a static website generator.
- Comment on Am I Crazy or is the Mali Government Reclaiming the ml Domain Now is too Convenient of a Time? 1 year ago:
ml was managed by freenom for a long time. They made it available alongside tk domains.
Freenom stopped operations for sometime name and both Mali and Tokelau are in the process of taking over their registrars from freenom.
It’s more of an example of a coincidence than a conspiracy.