- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
This was an excellent summary of all three.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
I tripped and fell spectacularly walking in a supermarket. I was annoyed that no one helped me up or checked if I was okay (I didn’t need help but it made me think less of my fellow man) and that my partner was waiting in the car and didn’t witness it, because it was actually really funny.
I left embarrassment in my 20s. Don’t have the energy or interest in it now. And I know I’m not the main character - everyone’s living their own lives, the impact you make on strangers is minimal. At worst someone said when they got home from the shops ‘i saw this chick stack and it was kinda funny’.
Reminding yourself that no one really cares about people that don’t know is a helpful way to shut down the negative self talk.
- Comment on Companies are finding new ways to monetize personal data, too often without proper notice or consent. ICYMI, three current examples that you may want to act on to opt out: PayPal, LinkedIn and 23andMe 4 months ago:
Yeah I checked - Aussie and I don’t see it in PayPal
- Comment on Soup 5 months ago:
I fucking love his little face and resting arms
- Comment on English Ivy 5 months ago:
Playing whack a mole with my neighbours ivy. Keeps popping up on my side of the fence. Fuck whoever brought it to Australia.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Back for me because I have a pretty disgusted, annoyed resting face. If I sit too close I’m focusing too much on keeping a pleasant listening face that I don’t pay enough attention to the material and give myself a tension headache.
- Comment on jealousy 5 months ago:
Oh mine got the memo. They lay peacefully, horizontally in my jaw, like little Saddam Husseins until they decided they wanted to visit other parts of my jaw and make friends along the way.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Be together in my ass
- Comment on Making DIY cat litter 5 months ago:
Oh that’s handy!
- Comment on Making DIY cat litter 5 months ago:
Are you likely to have enough newspapers to keep up with demand?
- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 6 months ago:
Wounds heal poorly for smokers. People who smoke after getting a tooth extraction can get dry socket.
I know someone who ate some rancid food, and was subsequently very, very unwell because they literally couldn’t taste or smell that it was off.
It affects your cardiovascular health so good luck outrunning danger.
Everything is worse if you smoke, in real time and in terms of what it does to your body’s ability to heal or respond to trauma.
Don’t smoke. And if you do, try and quit.
- Comment on Camera reels 6 months ago:
My dog had stomach issues for ages that took us a while to work out. My partner and I were monitoring his poos for some time, so if we were walking him solo we’d send a photo to the other as an update.
So yeah, memories of dog shit in varying textures.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
No, guns are for maiming and killing living things. I didn’t grow up in the bush or in a rural area, so there was no need to shoot anything.
Had my parents raised me around guns in suburbia then I would have categorised them as reckless fuckwits.
Because who in their right mind keeps guns anywhere near children? That’s absurd. To think that’s normal is institutionalised, cult-thought.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
That’s so silly
- Comment on chair.exe 8 months ago:
- Comment on You know things are getting real when a Starfleet officer takes off their jacket. 8 months ago:
On mobile
- Comment on You know things are getting real when a Starfleet officer takes off their jacket. 8 months ago:
I read half the article (got the gist and yeah it’s very true and very funny) bit bowed out because of the infestation of ads on that site.
I hate this internet
- Comment on Photosynthesized 8 months ago:
This is what I’m calling it from now on.
- Comment on the struggle 10 months ago:
So many people I know through the workplace have done the Myers Briggs nonsense and hold onto their persona like a badge of pride. They’re well meaning, intelligent people who don’t know the background of MB and how it’s as scientifically rigorous as those paper chatterboxes we made in school to help you find out which boy you were going to marry by picking a colour.
I don’t say anything when people bring it up. I also have a few star sign friends. Sigh.
- Comment on ONS staff refuse to work two days a week in office 10 months ago:
Ah right. It’s not most memorable of them. Anyway, when people don’t get your joke it means it didn’t land. You need to chill a bit.
- Comment on ONS staff refuse to work two days a week in office 10 months ago:
I’ve seen it a billion times and I’m not sure what the reference in your comment was?
- Comment on Trout populations 10 months ago:
Hahah thanks for clearing that up
- Comment on Trout populations 10 months ago:
Ok I’m out of the loop, what’s all the trout stuff about??
- Comment on Australian prime minister labels Elon Musk ‘an arrogant billionaire who thinks he is above the law’ 10 months ago:
I literally can’t parse what you’ve written
- Comment on Australian prime minister labels Elon Musk ‘an arrogant billionaire who thinks he is above the law’ 10 months ago:
… Relevance?
- Comment on Chris Uhlmann joins Sky News as analyst and contributor 10 months ago:
Funnily enough I thought he’d already gone there
- Comment on Three of Australia’s wealthiest private schools got double the federal funding they were entitled to last year 10 months ago:
What the fucking fuck
- Comment on 👏pay👏attention👏 10 months ago:
Mm something something you are beautiful… Something
- Comment on TIL Julia Gillard has a podcast, on which she interviews prominent women from a range of fields 11 months ago:
A negative impact is still an impact. Worth exploring I think.
- Comment on Artist behind Mona’s ladies-only lounge ‘absolutely delighted’ man is suing for gender discrimination 11 months ago:
Haha okay, you’ve been heard. Fair enough.