- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
Well, then you were lucky. I‘ve been hiking off the beaten paths and more than once forced me an agitated bull to detour as he would not let me near his herd.
- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
It really depends on what breed and how they were raised. In the Alps, there are almost anually reports of wanderers being attacked or even killed by cows. They often are with their calves for a longer time, are less accustomed to (strange) people and usually a fully intact male is in the heard that can get really protective.
Approach them with caution, watch their behaviour closely and use common sense. That’s what I do and for me that works.
- Comment on Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail 9 months ago:
The gardener in my last apartment replaced all of his powertools (mower, blower, trimmer, …) with electric ones powered by an accu-pack he carries on his back. This is an absolute game-changer! I could actually sit outside again and even do stuff for work, when he was there.
- Comment on Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them. 10 months ago:
It’s no real solution, but make this mess a bit more sufferable when you still really want to visit that site:
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
In my corner of the world, most CPs are also PTs. Or rather the other way around: they use chiropractic as one of many therapeutic means in their portfolio. I have to say, I very much appreciate this approach, as it relives the initial pain/discomfort but also addresses the underlying problem.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
I used to avoid instant coffee until I read this somewhere and tried it. It definitely changed my coffee game. The rationale behind it is that aromatics evaporate too quickly when the instant powder is infused with too/boiling hot water.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
Absolutely. Quality instant coffee tastes as good as a regular brew, when prepared correctly: dissolve in cold water, ONLY THEN add hot water.
- Comment on My new favourite password manager 1 year ago:
Maybe I expressed it a bit awkwardly. The other version has some integrations for syncing with Dropbox etc. and some third-party libraries. Strongbox zero is stripped of all of that.
- Comment on My new favourite password manager 1 year ago:
I really like Strongbox on Mac for managing my Keepass-DBs. It is very well integrated and there even is a „no phoning home“ version that strictly runs locally.
- Comment on We should rename Solar to Patriot Power to make it palatable to the right 1 year ago:
Seriously though, the German liberal party (FDP) has dubbed renewable energy “freedom energy”.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
How is it negligence when I follow the official recommendations? So no, I do not feel guilt as the probability of me being the reason of somebody’s death is practically zero.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
No, I said I stick to the official recommendations but do not exceed them, because I do not believe it is reasonably justified.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
I am not saying I go out socialising. But having to care for a family often makes it necessary to go out and get stuff. Especially when your symptom free vaccinated kids still go to school.
Anyway do I believe I pose a significantly smaller threat than those individuals that transmit the virus despite having no symptoms at all.
So I understand your concern and I agree that it is sensible to minimise exposure and take precautions but I also believe in commensurability of measures as there will never be 100% protection of infection. And I say that having dealt with two covid infections and months of heavy post-covid symptoms.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
Because there are so many people completely free of symptoms that still transmit the virus.
I stick to the official regulations of my administration and they do not state mandatory isolation any more.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
I‘m not saying I go out and about coughing in peoples faces. I try to be sensible and stick to high hygiene standards as mentioned.
So if somebody is vulnerable or feels anxious about getting infected they should also take proper precautions. And by everything I’ve learned through the pandemic, the risk of transmission should be very minimal.
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
As I said: I limit social interaction to the most minimal. And from what I‘ve understood during the pandemic, my precautions should reduce possible infection by over 95%. And at least where I live there are no signs that Covid poses any bigger risk to public health than the common flu (where I also get my shots and behave accordingly after living through a full blown infection).
- Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago:
It is my very personal take on this and by no means a recommendation, but here is how I do it:
If I feel seriously sick, that means: more than a common cold, I limit my social interactions to the bare necessary minimum. I will still do my own groceries (if possible outside rush hours) but sanitise my hands thoroughly, wear a fitting ffp2-mask and generally make a conscious effort to take hygiene much more seriously
By now, anybody vulnerable has had the chance to get sufficiently vaccinated so that I don’t feel it is justified to lock myself up.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Everything is connected with everything and therefore reacts to everything, so treat you and your surrounding with kindness and empathy.