- Comment on Is there some special process by which musicians/producers arrive at an agreed-upon tempo for a song recording? 12 hours ago:
I honestly can’t say with 100% certainty but I can speak to my experience with playing in an ensemble. For small sets, think a duet like violin and piano, usually there is an agreed upon “lead” and the other player(s) match them. In larger ensembles, band or orchestra, the conductor is god so we should be following them for tempo and queues. That being said, we listen to each other for certain queues and phrases to know when to join in. Generally we match whatever percussion or bass is doing, because that’s usually where time is kept.
- Comment on How do people even function on a 9:00 to 5? 20 hours ago:
It’s massive bull shit that I have to use my lunch and PTO to go to Dr appointments and the like. I am losing my mind to because I need to call my bank, but they’re only open when I am at work. Like bro! I don’t want to talk about my personal banking shit anywhere near my coworkers. I know that there is the claustrophobic phone office, but that room sucks! I just save up all of that shit for my WFH days.
- Comment on if you wear pantyhose, doesn't it hurt your belly? where do I buy low rise pantyhose? 2 weeks ago:
High rise pantyhose tend to be very comfortable as long as it isn’t too hot. They’re nice because they don’t slide down. Most have some extra elastic that helps keep your belly looking smoother and flatter, as well as keeping the lines from showing.
My issue with low rise is that if it’s not up to your waist there’s a higher risk of them sliding down. It’s super uncomfortable when you’re walking and the crotch of your pantyhose is now halfway down your thigh. There’s no good way to fix it either without going to the bathroom to adjust. Slipping does depend quite a bit on your build, the pantyhose size and type, and the brand, so trial and error will find you the best ones.
Best of luck finding good hose!
- Comment on 'Blood Blockade Battlefront' Manga Will Get an Omnibus Release in July 3 weeks ago:
I know! It took me forever to find the singles a decent price. I am glad that Dark Horse has stopped hating their manga fans. It wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I hope they’re hardcovers.
- Comment on [Art] Christmas Illustration by Mieruko-chan Author Tomoki Izumi 2 months ago:
Oh man! It’s so uncanny but the hat is so festive! It embodies the series perfectly. A+
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
They actually do care believe it or not. When our city council was voting on municipal fiber we showed up to petition our conservative city council representative to vote in favor. Guess who also attended, a representative from our federal senator’s office. Oh man the look on his face when only 3 members of the public showed up, two of them major supporters of municipal broadband, and the third spoke up to agree with us. Mmmm priceless. The city council man and conservative rep were so damn flustered. The senator’s rep took notes the whole time and we got to talk to him one on one. These outreach events do way more than you would think, this is how they gauge what they can get away with. Don’t let them discourage you, show up and bitch!
- Comment on New Rule 3 months ago:
Spider is one of my all time favorites. I loved the LN, the world building was fantastic. The way the author laid out the mysteries of the world and the dynamics was perfection. Also, it’s a isekai that forces its characters to actually deal with living in another world. It’s not a throwaway plot point that explains why they’re so much better, smarter, ect than the locals.
- Comment on Watch. It. 3 months ago:
Ok so I know that this is controversial, but if I recommend One Piece to a new person I recommend the live action. I know it has its flaws, BUT, it cleans up the pacing issues that I had in the early series. It honestly feel way more accessible than the daunting +1000 episodes, that’s not a binge watch, that’s a depressive episode.
- Comment on How different would the world be if school never ended but you could leave anytime you elect to? 5 months ago:
Have you considered checking out your local Community College?
- Comment on We all know it's true 8 months ago:
What! I applaud your effort in promoting Dungeon Menshi in literally every instance.
- Comment on Delicious in Dungeon” - New Key Visual! The anime is running for 2 consecutive cours, with episode 13 already streaming on Netflix (Studio: TRIGGER) 11 months ago:
I really like this visual. The positioning of Falin and Sissel is very beautiful like done. Also elllllves!
- Comment on Orcas sink another boat in Europe after a nearly hour-long attack 1 year ago:
Otter 841? Is that you?
- Comment on Irrefutable proof of a all loving god 1 year ago:
Not sure about your preferences, it I thought it was really cute. I really enjoy the manga because the characters actually grow as people and learn to communicate with each other while still having personal boundaries. The male lead actually grows a spine!
- Comment on Irrefutable proof of a all loving god 1 year ago:
It looks like it’s supposed to be smug girl supreme Nagatoro.