- Comment on Are there any historical or modern day true stories (like the story of The Buddha) of someone born rich and privileged who just walked away from their family and turned down money and an inheritance? 4 months ago:
Saint Francis of Assisi did this. He renounced his family name, inheritance, and (according to legend) the clothes on his back when his dad took issue with him giving alms. He spent the rest of his life wandering with a small group of other penitents and providing comfort to the sick, especially those with leprosy.
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
Fair, but people have sensitivity and allergy to different things. Adding it to an existing list of potential deal breakers for those who would rather not risk their health is a case of cost/benefit: it costs nothing and benefits many.
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
…You are aware of how both allergies and air quality works, right? Also, most shows even in art houses don’t include scent effects of any kind, hence the warning. If it were common, the warning would likely be unnecessary.
But lovely of you to claim I am the oversensitive one, as apparently adding a single word to an already existing warning, one that could literally save someone’s life by preventing a physical ailment, is too much for you to handle reading!
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
Having a warning for that is incredibly important, mostly in cases where people may be allergic or have sensitivity to certain smells. Incense is not something you would expect at a theater performance, so if I went to a showing without that warning, I wouldn’t know to take my allergy meds and may have walked out of there with a migraine or needing my inhaler, depending on what kind of incense they used.
- Comment on reign-bowl crapitalism 10 months ago:
Can we not use a super abelist rendition of mental struggles as our meme, thanks?
- Comment on somewhere a postdoc is crying 11 months ago:
This is correct, and it isn’t just associated with acids. It’s because of an effect called ‘freezing point depression’, which is the same reason salt lowers the freezing point of water while raising its boiling point.
There are a few explanations as to why this happens, with the easiest being this: if you add something that can’t freeze to something that can, then the whole thing will need to lose more energy to allow the whole mass to solidify because the un-freezing stuff physically interferes with the attempts of the freezing stuff to bind together.
However, there is also the additional aspect of vapor pressure, which comes into play when adding things that can freeze to another thing that also freezes, but at a different temperature. I don’t really understand that at all, so I will pull from the Wikipedia article on it:
The freezing point is the temperature at which the liquid solvent and solid solvent are at equilibrium, so that their vapor pressures are equal. When a non-volatile solute is added to a volatile liquid solvent, the solution vapour pressure will be lower than that of the pure solvent. As a result, the solid will reach equilibrium with the solution at a lower temperature than with the pure solvent. This explanation in terms of vapor pressure is equivalent to the argument based on chemical potential, since the chemical potential of a vapor is logarithmically related to pressure. All of the colligative properties result from a lowering of the chemical potential of the solvent in the presence of a solute. This lowering is an entropy effect. The greater randomness of the solution (as compared to the pure solvent) acts in opposition to freezing, so that a lower temperature must be reached, over a broader range, before equilibrium between the liquid solution and solid solution phases is achieved. Melting point determinations are commonly exploited in organic chemistry to aid in identifying substances and to ascertain their purity.
So, TL;DR is that chemistry is weird, things react weird at the molecular level because of energy states, and that is what allows us to make ice cream!
- Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 Patch Drops Today – Here's What To Expect 11 months ago:
Update just dropped. For users with SMAPI installed, don’t forget to run the game once after installing the update so that SMAPI 4.0.0 can install properly. Currently waiting for that to drop, as they confirmed that it would be released alongside the 1.6 game update.