- Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 1 month ago:
If they’re that pestiferous we should be encouraging people who have an interest in venison to do something about it.
- Comment on Happy new year friendos 2 months ago:
The same thing happens every year… I inspect my pudgy form in the new year and embark on a healthy lifestyle regimen. I’m good all year and lose 10ish kilos. Then my birthday arrives mid October and I think “mmm, cakes!” Then from October thru to new year is a wasteland of indulgent eating. Rinse and repeat.
- Comment on New Years Eve 2024 2 months ago:
Had home made burritos for dinner, just sitting home with the kids watching ABC.
- Comment on Do you reckon a choice subscription is worth it before making more expensive purchases? 2 months ago:
I used to have a subscription, so I got the online newsletter and there are chat groups for members where they discuss products as well. Back then you could subscribe to a free newsletter and get basic updates on what not to buy, with the more detailed info available to subscribers only. If they still do this then this might be the option for you. So for example if you’re in the market for a stick vac or bathroom cleaner the free newsletter would have what not to buy but the detailed test results and product reviews they did would be available to subscribers only. The only reason I cancelled was because my finances were spread a bit too thin and I had to do a cull. Up until then I enjoyed reading the juicy stuff on how shit some of the products available to us are, and general money saving tips.
- Comment on So… Australia Just Banned Kids From the Internet 2 months ago:
It’s ridiculous really… my kids see things online and ask me anything regarding what it means, I use it as a teaching moment and we talk about it. Why and how is someone like Andrew Tate popular with boys of a certain age, for example. How does Instagram affect how girls view their bodies and affect their self esteem? How did something like tiktok change the shape of social media in general and what does it mean? I enjoy these conversations with my kids as they arise. Acknowledgement of something as harmful, without any debate about how, is, in itself, harmful. And insulting to young people. And also ultimately useless because kids know their way around VPNs etc. It’s only ultimately going to inconvenience me and compromise my own desire for anonymity and privacy. What 3rd party application will be entrusted with my age checking and how? Ugh.
- Comment on Australian businesses selling essential goods and services to be forced to accept cash payments 3 months ago:
Consumers have a right to options. Our internet/pos has been a bit temperamental these last couple of weeks (they’re still trying to figure out why) but thankfully we take cash so the cogs keep turning, we keep selling product and making orders and we all still get paid.
- Comment on The 3G network is about to shut down for good, so what will stop working from Monday? 4 months ago:
I’m sorry but that just sounds far too intelligent and reasonable.
- Comment on It's winter. so what is your favourite icecream / gelato / frozen yog flavour? 8 months ago:
I never really stop buying icecream through the winter. Demand for Streets Blue Ribbon vanilla ice cream or those generic brand Cornetto knock offs is fairly consistent in this house.
- Comment on Whats on this weekend 8 months ago:
Tried out a new cafe near my place. Was unfortunately overpriced and a bit meh. Doing some cooking and life admin (especially laundry, gotta make an assault on Mount Washmore every week). Got car insurance coming up so have to spend little until it’s safely out of the way.
- Comment on Can't even order a pizza without getting Manscaped ads these days! 8 months ago:
Hey, maybe they thought you’d like to buff your stuff while they stuff your crust?
- Comment on An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous 8 months ago:
I hate to say it but I think they will attempt to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. I hope it’s just my GenX cynicism talking. I don’t want to do this again either. The last time didn’t exactly fill me with confidence, with all the politicking and social and mainstream media misinformation, and people just openly breaching the guidelines because they didn’t care enough, the antimaskers and antivaxers and sovereign citizens. After all we went through, I still see people not washing their hands when they should and coughing all over people in public places. It wasn’t that long ago, not long enough to have forgotten so easily, and it makes me angry and sad.
- Comment on Health and fitness 9 months ago:
Might be just the motivation I need!
- Comment on School refusal and the Australian families gripped by blame, shame, and the fear of a lost education 10 months ago:
Thankyou for sharing this deeply personal experience Baku. As the parent of a child that suffers from anxiety and school refusal I’m hopeful that people will gain a better understanding of the intricacies of the issue. As with my child, there are often a lot of complex and/or contributing factors which combine to lead a child to this point. It’s not just kids refusing to go because they’re being recalcitrant.
- Comment on Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds 11 months ago:
That’s a perfectly reasonable question, and the answers are many. It was the house she and dad bought together, and after he suddenly and unexpectedly died, she was really attached to anything which held her memories of him. They had been active in volunteering in the area and had many friends and a strong connection to it, and she just didn’t want to move anywhere more affordable where she didn’t know anybody and had to “start again”. She had an extensive garden which was her main hobby and which gave her an enormous amount of pleasure, and she was loathe to give it up (it was admired by local people and when she died, people came to take photos of it). Mum had Parkinson’s disease at the end, and found mobility a challenge, so the house was easy to modify for her increasing disability. The truth also was that the house itself was kinda crappy and wasn’t actually worth very much and she wouldn’t have gotten much more than it cost for a unit in the area at the time (prices for units in that area were starting to get a bit crazy). After dad died she got all morbid and was talking as though she was going to die soon too, even though she outlived him by about 20 years lol. I guess she thought, why go to the trouble of moving when I’m just going to die anyway? I hope my answer hasn’t bored you with rambling on, my apologies if it has.
- Comment on Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds 11 months ago:
I think using your super as a deposit for a house is a terrible idea because you could basically end up like my mum: an elderly homeowner having to pay to maintain and repair an ageing home and no income other than the pension to live on. She’s long gone now, but I’ll never forget how hard it was for her, and how she had to borrow money from a friend to replace the old heater that broke and couldn’t be fixed. Every pension day it was decision time, what to pay and what to delay. Meanwhile the house was slowly falling into disrepair.
- Comment on Australia self-reported 6th least happy country in 2023 11 months ago:
Thanks for sharing this, I’m going to save it for later. From an initial skimming, it’s got some stuff which really resonates with me. I’m interested in what it says about earlier first smartphone ownership, increased use of single use plastics and consumption of ultra high processed foods in wealthier countries.
- Comment on Able to read cursive handwriting? The war memorial wants your help transcribing love letters 1 year ago:
Same here. I’m an old fart, and I can read things my parents wrote easily. But when you get to what my grandparents or great grandparents wrote… the further back you go the more decorative flourishes the copperplate style seems to have and I’ve found it’s not easy to make out every word.
- Comment on What were some of your favourite Australian TV shos?w 1 year ago:
The Big Gig
- Comment on Living in a van makes me an aristocrat among the homeless – but the world seems predatory, unforgiving | Michael Koren 1 year ago:
I love this style of art, and it’s a beautifully written article. Would like to know where I can get some of it, but I can’t seem to find any more info about him. There’s a Michael Koren who makes bendy wooden spoons and a Michael Koren who is a musician, but I can’t find this guy.
- Comment on 'Hairdressers, dentists and dining out': The price rises that told the RBA it needed to raise rates again 1 year ago:
‘Hairdressers, dentists and dining out’
Ok, what about cruises and follow me golf buggies?
- Comment on [Satire] - People who build wind turbines at sea do not care if whales live or die. Monsters! | First Dog on the Moon 1 year ago:
“I’m angry at the science I made up” 😆
- Comment on Gas lobby forced to pull ad for misleading viewers over “50 pct cleaner” claims 1 year ago:
Good. That ad has been pissing me off when I hear it at work. It’s like, thanks for charging people who have little choice (eg. renters) more for gas so you can use that money to pay for ads to bullshit us about how gas is green and great. Fuck you, gas companies!