- Comment on UK ‘one of world’s least work-oriented countries’ claims BrewDog founder - as he slams obsession with 'work-life balance' 1 month ago:
Move beyond that obsession, towards what, exactly? Besides, it’s not as if this apparent laziness has stopped you getting stinking rich.
- Comment on i am hella indifferent to humans of any gender taking shits 5 months ago:
You don’t really give a shit about people taking a shit?
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
No truth on truth social
- Comment on Justin Simien Shares Next Gen and DS9 Inspirations Behind the In-Development Star Trek Comedy Series 6 months ago:
brand diversification is not the diversity that I like to see in my star treks.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Am I missing the point?
Yes, a little. The original was: For sale, baby shoes, never worn.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
endless economic growth
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
That you, Hemmingway?
- Comment on Microsoft says “Prism” translation layer does for Arm PCs what Rosetta did for Macs 9 months ago:
One of the biggest problems I had with windows on ARM was drivers. Most of my devices that needed drivers didn’t have an arm compatible version available. This needs to change more urgently than simply being able to run software, for me, at least.
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 9 months ago:
just let the algorithm feed you the cultural gruel
- Comment on Disco Elysium expansion reportedly cancelled, with a quarter of staff at risk of redundancy 1 year ago:
Citation needed.
- Comment on New York City files a lawsuit saying social media is fueling a youth mental health crisis 1 year ago:
Not having a job, place to live, or an inhabitable planet in the near future is causing a mental health crisis.
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
I know you’ve basically spelled it out by using MPH and by simply being on the internet, but you might want to make it clear which country you’re in. I mean, where I’m living, it’s 100% ok for you to be in a bike line. Legally and socially speaking. But I doubt we’re in the same place right now!
- Comment on Scrapping inheritance tax would cost £15bn a year by 2032, says IFS 1 year ago:
You make a good point; if tories want to do it, you can be sure that it benefits them more than you
- Comment on Britain uses UN speech to show that it wants to be a leader on how the world handles AI 1 year ago:
The Uk enters into the room: •Gets not a single thing right •IM A LEADER NOW!!1!
- Comment on Young people ditching ambitions over UK cost of living crisis, research finds 1 year ago:
That’s an unhelpful statement, to say the least. If it’s just as necessary to dig ditches as conduct scientific research, then the diggers would be paid at least enough to sustain themselves. But on top of that, scientists aren’t exactly well compensated, either.
Honestly, I’m surprised that anyone would regurgitate that “life is hard” rhetoric anymore. I understand why Sunak would want people to think that’s the only reason this shit is happening, but if you’re not in the ruling class and have a vested interest in maintaining your privilege, why would you say that?
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
Still sounds catchier than, “I feel like a month’s rent”.