- Comment on Dynamic IP - Self hosting 7 months ago:
That lists as a ddns provider.
They are pretty great, I use them as my domain host.
- Comment on Disney hack leads to 1.2TB of Slack communications leaked online 7 months ago:
Ostensibly better opsec
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
That’s not how privacy works though. You either have it when you don’t need it or don’t have it when you need it. You don’t just get it when you need it.
It’s not silliness to presume that you could eventually be in some situation where you need a high amount of privacy.
Maybe if you don’t actually participate in society, there’s some life circumstances that mean you would never need privacy. There’s probably like a hundred people alive like that. I don’t think they take taxis.
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
You can’t imagine famous people, federal investigators, Union organisers, protected witnesses, or literally anybody else that wouldn’t want their movements trackable by a company or anybody that company gets hacked by?
- Comment on How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion 9 months ago:
Yeah that’s why inviting strangers into your home unsupervised is stupid.
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
Maxis is not a word I’ve seen in quite a while.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
That is actually ideal
I had to tailor my do not recommend and not interested in this subject clicks until I was left with the one advertiser that I’m actually interested in, and that’s basically low voltage communication mux devices…
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Hmm that’s pretty fucking clever for complete choads.
- Comment on Boredom births creativity 10 months ago:
Her: You need to make your hobbies more kid friendly
- Comment on Boston Dynamics introduces a fully electric humanoid robot that “exceeds human performance” 10 months ago:
Well for a short time maybe
- Comment on Professor meow meow 10 months ago:
If our knowledge is based on our forebears, it would always be we.
- Comment on Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!" 10 months ago:
COVID saved us from zozano apparently
Worth it
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 10 months ago:
Yes absolutely yes.
If equipment has a removable power feed, the plug follows the worker into the kill zone or the work doesn’t get done. If the plug doesn’t reach, and LOTO doesn’t happen, the plug gets disassembled and brought into the kill zone until the worker returns it.
Deaths because lazy are at the feet of management.
- Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 10 months ago:
Optimising for the oblivious or unscrupulous, nice.
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 10 months ago:
Breaker feeding the thing power.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 10 months ago:
To be fair Roku is just aping on futuristic depictions of TVs.
- Comment on Spider cats 11 months ago:
Csakany placed skin from humming frogs onto the body of a frog that does not seem to have any special relationship with tarantulas and is ordinarily eaten by them (the Lowland tropical bullfrog Leptodactylus andreae, a leptodactylid. Csakany used one of its synonyms: Adenomera andreai [sic]). After grabbing the skin-wearing Leptodactylus specimens, the spiders examined them, and released them unharmed. Again, this supports the hypothesis that the tarantulas recognise ‘partner’ frogs after receiving certain chemical signals.
- Comment on Caesar 11 months ago:
Magnum is already a latin word no need for the extra suffix.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I’ll shake the piss hand over the shit hand any day.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
A literal felony!!
- Comment on Duolingo is wild 11 months ago:
I think there should not be a translation for that, because the sentiment would be “I will kill you”
- Comment on Don't underestimate the Gob threat 1 year ago:
But it’s flat and fertile
- Comment on Don't underestimate the Gob threat 1 year ago:
Where did you find this one omg
- Comment on Journalist says he finds it ‘surreal’ to have account on X suspended after writing critique of platform 1 year ago:
Man a news source needs eyeballs, wherever those are they’ll distribute.
- Comment on Oopsi Woopsi 1 year ago:
Yeah good code is good code. Bad code is bad code.
- Comment on ChatGPT's new AI store is struggling to keep a lid on all the AI girlfriends 1 year ago:
Humans are a cancer on the world if some percentage never leaves the house and therefore procreates we should exploit that mechanic
- Comment on ChatGPT's new AI store is struggling to keep a lid on all the AI girlfriends 1 year ago:
Just give the people what they want