- Comment on Is catbox down? 4 weeks ago:
I have the same problem with CloudFlare’s Are the two services related? I also remember the same issue going on with
- Comment on Startup will brick $800 emotional support robot for kids without refunds 2 months ago:
It sounds like they literally can’t refund people because the company completely ran out of money and is gonna be liquidated. Sucky situation for all parties involved.
- Comment on Surprise! Nintendo Tracked Down Alleged Switch Pirate in Arizona via Reddit Posts and Repair Orders 3 months ago:
Uhhh… he literally moderated the r/SwitchPirates subreddit and had ties to multiple pirate shops that distributed the pirated games.
I don’t support Nintendo’s lawsuits, but people are making it sound like they’re going after some random Joe who just mentioned pirating games in a comment or two. Unless you’re moderating one of the biggest Nintendo pirating communities or working to distribute pirated games, AND are really bad with op-sec, you’re probably fine.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
Personally, I would not recommend diving into Linux headfirst by installing it as your only operating system. If you can afford an additional small drive (128GB should be plenty), I would suggest buying one and installing something like Linux Mint on that, while putting Windows on your main drive.
That way, you can switch between them whenever you want to (when you turn on your computer, you can just use a menu to choose which drive to boot to), and get somewhat familiar with Linux before deciding if it’s worth your time to really dive in.
(There’s a way to put both operating systems on the same drive, but it’s really easy for something to go wrong and end up with one of the operating systems inaccessible. Since you’re inexperienced, I would avoid going that route for the time being, and just keep both on separate drives.)
- Comment on Uniting for Internet Freedom: Tor Project & Tails Join Forces | Tor Project 5 months ago:
I’ve been out of the game for a few years, who’s TG?
- Comment on Counterfeit PS1 Games Are All Over AliExpress 5 months ago:
They totally might have figured something out. Hell, they could have gotten a hold of some of Sony’s original disc-pressing hardware to reproduce the copy protection. It really is the Wild West when it comes to these retailers
- Comment on Using GPT-4 to generate 100 words consumes up to 3 bottles of water — AI data centers also raise power and water bills for nearby residents 5 months ago:
Data centers don’t have “water cooling loops” that are anything like the ones in consumer PCs. To maximize cooling capacity, a lot of the systems use some sort of evaporative cooling that results in some of the water just floating away into the atmosphere (after which point it would need to be purified again before it could be used for human consumption)
It also seems from what I can find like some data centers just pipe in clean ambient-temperature water, use it to cool the servers, and then pipe it right back out into the municipal sewer system. Which is even more stupid, because you’re taking potable water, sending it through systems that should be pretty clean, and then mixing it with waste water. If anything, that should be considered “gray water”, which is still fine to use for things like flushing toilets.
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
It sounds kinda like the “trick” on the internet for fitting more notes onto a note-sheet for an exam. You’re still using the same physical space to store information, but you’re introducing a new degree of freedom that allows you to increase storage density.
- Comment on What devices should i look for to get a -30V power supply. 8 months ago:
You just need to be careful that the supplies’ outputs are completely isolated from mains. Otherwise you’ll end up with a lovely spark show.
- Comment on What a beautiful romantic comment by Rishi Sunak 9 months ago:
Even then, anyone can use inspect element to make it look like it says whatever you want.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 9 months ago:
Funny enough, a number of years ago a giant 4chan archive surfaced which included a lot of the very first SCP posts that had been lost. It actually confirmed that 173 was posted after Blink aired, meaning it was almost certainly inspired by the episode. Not that it makes the SCP worse, but it’s some interesting lore.
- Comment on MattKC announces plans to develop an open source DIY WiiU gampead 10 months ago:
Perhaps, but Nintendo also seems happy to let people forget that the Wii U ever existed. Also, they seem to not care as much about non-piracy/CFW releated hardware mods- take the 3DS capture card as an example, AFAIK it was never targeted by Nintendo since it very clearly was not meant to facilitate piracy.
- Comment on What do companies get out of rewards programs 10 months ago:
They don’t really need to associate it with a specific person (although I’m sure they’d love to)- they can get plenty of data just within the context of what a single person buys in their store.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The funny thing is that standard human operating temperature is much closer to the coldest you can get than to the hottest. Absolute zero, when all thermal motion stops and it’s literally impossible to get any colder by definition, is only -273.15°C. We can reach it fairly easily, and we know that weird stuff does happen at low temperatures such as Bose-Einstein Condensates, but the universe really can’t cool a few orders of magnitude- there isn’t that much more cooling for it to do.
- Comment on A new NES emulator was briefly available on the Apple App Store 10 months ago:
I highly doubt it. The NES has been completely reverse engineered for decades, there really isn’t any reason to use proprietary code for an emulator for it.
- Comment on Reddit user content being sold to AI company in $60M/year deal 1 year ago:
I mean, they never claimed it was to protect users. It was to protect their user’s data from being used without paying Reddit. They didn’t like that AI companies were using Reddit content as a free source of training data, they never gave a shit about their users’ privacy.
- Comment on Dishwasher guide: salt will harm the stainless steel lining. What about salt water in stainless steel pots? 1 year ago:
Even stainless steel will corrode, and salt especially will speed up the process. Solid salt is much worse than salt water, because the concentration of solid salt is 100% vs a fraction of a percent for pasta water. Regardless, leaving salt water sitting in your pot for days on end is definitely going to make corrosion occur faster, although by how much I can’t say.
Although, I will say that needing to buy even one additional pot might offset any environmental benefit from reusing your pasta water. Industrial manufacturing uses a ton of water, so if your goal is to preserve it, you’re likely better off just washing & drying your pot out between uses so that it lasts longer.
- Comment on How to stop privacy/security theatre? How to stop worrying? 1 year ago:
And an ad blocker. Always an ad blocker.
- Comment on A 28-ton, 1.2 MW tidal kite is now exporting power to the grid 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t expect much sound, water is very dense so only very low frequencies can effectively travel through it. From the pictures, this thing doesn’t seem big enough to make much of an impact in that regard. As for marine life, it would probably be a matter of how fast it travels underwater, which the article unfortunately doesn’t mention.
- Comment on If it's not bad for the lungs, we should fluoridate vape juice. 1 year ago:
What we REALLY need to do is limit the concentration of nicotine in vape juices to no higher than that found in a “standard” cigarette. Part of the problem right now is that you can easily buy vape juice with waaaay more nicotine per puff than any tobacco product so it’s much easier to get addicted.
- Comment on Enjoy a little conspiracy, as a treat 1 year ago:
That article is bizarre. I do admit that it’s kinda weird that Google keeps messing with the image, but it’s very clearly just some celestial body(s) with a ring of light around it from either a gas cloud or lens refraction.
The tone of that article almost seems schizophrenic, saying that the “the problem is that the dragon is peeking” at us and that the “censor” might be to “hide how much we know from the dragon”.
- Comment on I lost my job after AI recruitment tool assessed my body language, says make-up artist 1 year ago:
Funny. That sounds exactly like how they tried to use “intelligence tests” to prevent Black people from voting. The questions didn’t explicitly exclude Black people, but we’re written in a vague and subjective way so that the test-giver could claim that any answer was right/wrong and thereby exclude anyone they wanted.
- Comment on Simultaneous joystick 3-axis protocol 1 year ago:
Honestly… I kinda think three microcontrollers is way overcomplicating things preemptively. I would try just a single MCU first, and see if the response time is adequate. If there’s any sort of noticeable input lag or delay, then try the multiple MCU route.
- Comment on Imagine if all this discount programs were linked not to the card, but to the bag. Bringing the same rugged bag with a chip could've become a new normal. 1 year ago:
That actually sounds like a pretty cool job! I only said something because unfortunately a lot of people tend to use that fact to put down reusable bags, which sucks because even though they’re far from perfect, they’re still the better alternative (assuming you don’t buy a new one every time you go to the store).
- Comment on Imagine if all this discount programs were linked not to the card, but to the bag. Bringing the same rugged bag with a chip could've become a new normal. 1 year ago:
It’s important to note though that emissions are not the only thing to consider. My state banned single-use plastic bags a few years ago, and the number of them you see caught in trees or thrown away as litter has dropped to almost zero.
Plus, I think you could absolutely use those bags 400 times if you make good use of them. A few of the ones I have are from at least a decade ago and have probably been used far more times than that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
A link to a different page that happens to have a download for something copyrighted is not itself DMCA-able. Well, in theory you could DMCA anything you want, and some companies are way too overzealous about it and fall into the “abusing the system” category, but I can’t imagine that this post would ever fall under their spotlight.
- Comment on Adobe faces big fines from FTC over difficult subscription cancellation 1 year ago:
There is an “Adobe Master Collection 202X” crack that includes all the current Adobe programs and a custom installer made in the style of the old Creative Suite installer. I believe it’s by m0nkrus, or at least that’s who uploads it to the private tracker I use. They release several new ones throughout the year so you can keep the programs up to date, and obviously the installer lets you choose which of the programs you want to install.
- Comment on Why do new sites embed tweets? 1 year ago:
Umm… No? That’s quite a conclusion to jump to when a quick Google search would show that no such thing exists.
- Comment on Why do new sites embed tweets? 1 year ago:
Exactly. Also, screenshots can easily be doctored. An embedded tweet could not be, since you could easily click the link to see the original tweet.
- Comment on AMD says overclocking blows a hidden fuse on Ryzen Threadripper 7000 to show if you've overclocked the chip, but it doesn't automatically void your CPU's warranty 1 year ago:
No, only if you’ve overclocked and the fault is one that could be caused by overclocking. Honestly, I think it’s absolutely fair for them to not replace a CPU if you killed it yourself by running it outside of spec. Most manufacturers would just say you’re SOL if your CPU dies and it’s ever been overclocked, even if the issue is unrelated, so I think this is a pretty good policy for them to have.
Granted, it’s possible that they could always say that it was the overclocking that killed it whenever the fuse is blown, but considering how heavily AMD leans into customer good-will and positive sentiment about the company, they will probably try their best to honor any legitimate warranty claims.