- Comment on Cum 9 months ago:
Because of the implications?
- Comment on Trout populations 10 months ago:
Okay but where does that leave my beans
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
But do they sell it to third parties?
- Comment on I was at a friend's house 1 year ago:
It’s all fun and gas, you can take it
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
Wait I thought bad was red, yellow was better and blue was best
- Comment on this AI thing 1 year ago:
That’s exactly how I use it (but for more things than excel), it works pretty well as a documentation ‘searcher’ + template/example maker
- Comment on Works on my machine 1 year ago:
…yes? I thought we made that clear with containerization
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Never said anyone would confront you about it. I’m also with you, live music is different, but that’s not something I have seen much at bars where I’m from
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Technically not, but it would feel a bit like a ‘socially taboo’ to not drink
Idk I’d at least put it as slightly awkward, like going to a bowling alley and not bowl, sure you can be social, but it’s weird to not join in
- Comment on [Help] why local user.mail overrides global user.mail in git? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Apparently, it's not a gaggle. 1 year ago:
Thank you for this gift
- Comment on Microsoft Edge could use a win 1 year ago:
The begging is considered a feature