- Comment on No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK 10 months ago:
I’ve noticed routers in recent years have default passwords like “wristrhino040” printed on the sticker on the bottom. I suspect we’ll see more of that.
- Comment on “Disabling cyberattacks” are hitting critical US water systems, White House warns 11 months ago:
Because more idiots are in charge of things than you’d think.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
We better adapt soon becuse the village is dead and it isn’t coming back.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
I feel like I can still navigate through it because I did the previous levels but the difficulty is definitely higher.
We’re now on level 35 and n00bs are still coming online. A kid or geandma have no shot at defeating the boss AI video or deepfake on this level, hell I don’t even have a great win rate on them.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
And you get crucified for by them if you bring it up.
I understand battling the pull of phones and tablets with kids is hard but you’re lying to your self if you think it’s going to work out ok if you give in, *every other kid has one how bad could it go? *
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
We all know this yet the ones with kids who need to do something about it don’t, as a result kids are getting dumber by year.
TV had a limited capacity to mess kids up and it largely didn’t. Youtube and internet on then other hand are in the vast majority of kids pockets with 0 restrictions.
Reading the first hand reports of what this looks like from /r/teachers will black pill you on the future quicker than any post on climate change or war.
- Comment on You weirdos 11 months ago:
I was a jean sleeper up till my early 20s. Not sure why, it just felt right.
Now I can sleep in gym shorts or jeans but prefer shorts.
- Comment on Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution 1 year ago:
I was like man the Onion is getting a little edgy until I read the source. Truth is stranger than fiction.
- Comment on inshallah they find him 1 year ago:
Guppies have a Gonopodium AKA a fish dick because they give live birth.
You can see them flex it from time to time. Note the bottom fin moving on the colorful fish chasing after the fat drab female:
That’s just one species of livebearing fish but there are many others.
- Comment on They have a strong psychic connection 1 year ago:
It did. Our one national public channel (PBS) aired it often. Along with Are You Being Served and Allo Allo.
- Comment on They have a strong psychic connection 1 year ago:
Keeping up Appearances meme out of left field 😂
I’m surprised there’s enough overlap in fanbases for this to have 100+ votes but I’m here for it.
- Comment on Binance was slapped with a $4.3 billion fine because it let groups like Hamas and ISIS receive funds: Treasury Department 1 year ago:
I traded on Binance back when they let anyone on. It was wild you could just deposit your crypto and go nuts. Limits were very high before any type of verification kicked in so I’m not surprised it was abused.