- Comment on Anyone Please Help me Find This Wallpaper 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on It's time to stop using SMS, here's why! 5 weeks ago:
I didn’t say anything about who I bank with or that I use banks that uses these practises. Calm down
- Comment on It's time to stop using SMS, here's why! 5 weeks ago:
Tell banks that still use it a MFA that
- Comment on safe? 1 month ago:
Along with your comment it looks like you are powering a phone with a power bank by skipping the phones battery and connecting directly to the phones battery terminal?
5V may be too high of a voltage for your phone as the phones lithium battery would have otherwise provided 4.2v ish but youll need to find out.
If you directly connect to the charge controller input does it still work or does it complain that there’s no battery?
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
- Comment on Private Security Camera 5 months ago:
Thats awful… but im not surprised. I witnessed similar when i used to contribute.
In any case i hate that theyre like this because there is a need for truly open camera firmware but their attitude makes me not even want to mention or recommend them
Thingino devs are bros and do it purely for the foss privacy philosophy. Contributions are encouraged and praised and the support is soo friendly and encouraging
- Comment on Private Security Camera 5 months ago:
I used to use openipc (that was the “alternative” i was referring to") but its not truly FOSS. Their default streamer is hidden behind closed doors and theyve also taken some contributions and added it to majestic never to be seen in the open again.
That said, it is a great alternative if you dont have ingenic based cameras. And they now offer minimal other open source options for streamers…
Some of the key devs left and created thingino because of the whole foss thing. Imo theyre a much friendlier bunch too but thats purely an opinion
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
Understand its not your fault and you shouldnt blame the world. Everyone goes through this at some point (esp guys) - be it skinny, fat, coloured or not, tall or short. Everyone has their preferences.
Giving up on actively finding a girlfriend is probably the best thing to do in your situation - but not out of spite - some women find an attractiveness in someone who has fun in their own presence. People want to be a part of that joy. Being bitter will only drive away friends and potential relationships.
With that said, do your own thing. If being skinny bothers you (and you alone, not what anyone else thinks), hit the gym and eat more? Try more activites either solo or with friends. Maybe even some extreme sports which a partner would otherwise not join you in. Just enjoy life and someone will come. I know people who found relationships in the most unexpected of times and places.
I understand theres an inch in the intimate department that cant be scratched with just normal friendships but idk, resist tbe urge or find other outputs to bring your urges back down enough so you can just be you and comfortable
- Comment on would you rather your stool had the consistency of creamy peanut butter, or medium gravel? 6 months ago:
Why you decided to ask this question whilst hypothetically in the shower, im not sure i want to know
- Comment on Schematic review 6 months ago:
This looks like the web simulator falstad…
- Comment on Private Security Camera 7 months ago:
Check out thingino.com. Its a great fully open source project for privacy respecting firmware for ip cameras (unlike other alternatives) and a really helpful bunch of devs.
Might fit you well since you mention youre good with linux
- Comment on This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel 8 months ago:
They had a very very similar thing in bicentennial man
- Comment on "BeReal." FOSS alternative? Yes please! 9 months ago:
This, as well as the fediverse’s double edged feature that stuff pretty much can never be deleted (only “requested”).
This sounds like a privacy nightmare
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
Yep it was a struggle to find. I checked website, issues and then finally made a last attempt at the change logs. It should be advertised more for that added piece of mind.
I didnt mean to shoot your app down by the way, in case it came across that way. Ive never used these apps
Thanks for developing your version though. People like you make this community what it is :)
- Comment on Menstruation cycle tracking app breached users' privacy, B.C. class-action lawsuit alleges 11 months ago:
Encryption and password protection is in the changelog for drips first version v0.0.1 - 5 years ago
I couldnt find your app on fdroid btw
- Comment on Home server tips and security for beginners? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Home server tips and security for beginners? 1 year ago:
Theres so much to unpack…! But ill try and throw something in the mix.
I dont know if freenas/ truenas supports a lot of addons or whatever they call it but the moment you mentioned media and games my thought went to proxmox, though i suppose you might also be able to get away with a bunch of docker containers.
Soo… proxmox (or any hypervisor) will allow you run run multiple segregated VMs and containers.
On one vm you can install freenas/ truenas (whichever the good one is atm, im a little out of touch) and allocate the drives to it.
Another vm for Plex/jellyfin
Another for minecraft, factorio, tf2
Another for nextcloud/ webserver
Nextcloud provides webdav/ caldav for calendar and contact syncing so sorted there. It also has a collabora app i think for collaborative document working.
In terms of security, you want to follow nextclouds secure configuration guide as a start.
The best way is to use a vpn to access your home network. Maybe give the others access if you trust them but you may then need to do some vlanning and segregation to protect the rest of your home network from them.
If you must expose to the net (which you may do with the games servers) then again, the config guide has you covered, use crowdsec, use https, use random ports, use strong passwords and mfa.
Do regular backups. 3 copies, 2 separate storage mediums, 1 offsite (3-2-1 rule).
Idk about the 8tb drive.
The above isnt the be all end all. Let it be the start of a discussion and your research journey
- Comment on Streaming local Webcam in a Linux machine, and acessing it when on vacations - which protocol to choose? 1 year ago:
Amazing! Congrats :)
For the dynamic ip address that you can get a free domain name from afraid or noip or maybe others and point your vpn to your domain name instead of direct ip address. Following that you can run cron job scripts to ensure the ip address that the domain points to is up to date
- Comment on Streaming local Webcam in a Linux machine, and acessing it when on vacations - which protocol to choose? 1 year ago:
MediaMTX can sort a lot of this for you. Then its just a matter of accessing your feed on vlc.
VPN is the safer option of accessing your network
- Comment on Anyone know of self-hostable security cameras? 1 year ago:
Yeah, i faced the same challenge. I understand why they do it like that (cameras potentially mixing socs)…
I think there are some make/ models on their project but its far and few. Ive flashed 1 camera so far but had to check the soc myself
I need to crack open my (cheap chinese) cameras and check them at some point. Ive noticed them pinging my pihole for secu100 for cloud services. At least theyre blocked for internet access!
- Comment on Anyone know of self-hostable security cameras? 1 year ago:
Many selfhosted NVRs have been suggested. Personally ive tried:
Ended up settling on zoneminder at this stage.
For cameras themselves i just want to point out the OpenIPC project - opensource firmware if youre technically inclined
- Comment on How can I spy on myself? 1 year ago:
Someone might suggest something more elegant but one solution is a managed switch which every devices traffic passes through, then allocate one port as a trunk port and connect that to wireguard on your server?
- Comment on Ideas for self-hosted services 1 year ago:
I use syncthing for this. Keepass and photos sync instantly
- Comment on iPhone vs Android 1 year ago:
Funny, on my subscription list the post right below yours addresses exactly that…but its an ad of sorts