- Comment on Calendar Options *other* than Tuta / Proton 3 days ago:
I have no experience with inviting others to calendar events since I only use this setup for my personal calendar - sorry
- Comment on Calendar Options *other* than Tuta / Proton 4 days ago:
Idk about E2EE, but I’m using self-hosted Nextcloud. Using CalDAV, you can integrate virtually any app. On Android I’m using DAVx5 and Fossify Calendar.
The advantage of Nextcloud is that it provides a lot of things in one package such as contacts, tasks, notes, files, etc. If you don’t need those, it might be better to look at some of the other suggestions that only provide calendars.
- Comment on What does the 3-2-1 rule look like for you? 1 week ago:
I use Backblaze B2 for one offsite backup in “the cloud” and have two local HDDs. Using restic with rclone as storage interface, the whole thing is pretty easy.
A cronjob makes daily backups to B2, and once per month I copy the most current snapshot from B2 to my two local HDDs.
I have one planned improvement: Since my server needs programmatic access to B2, malware on it could wipe both the server and B2, leaving me with the potentially one-month old local backups. Therefore I want to run a Raspberry Pi at my parents’ place that mirrors the B2 repository daily but is basically air-gapped from the server. Should the B2 repository be wiped, the Raspberry Pi would still retain its snapshots.
- Comment on "PSA: Update Vaultwarden as soon as possible" 6 months ago:
syncthing also relies on a web server for device discovery, it’s just that you’re probably using someone else’s server instead of hosting your own.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I also think that Vaultwarden itself doesn’t have access to the unencrypted password database. In that sense it’s E2EE similar to KeePass, the only difference being that KeePass is a desktop app and Vaultwarden a web app.
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
Nothing, this is not about that.
This change gives you the guarantee that
domains will never be registered officially, so you can use them without the risk of your stuff breaking should ICANN ever decide to make whatever TLD you’re using an official TLD.That scenario has happened in the past, for example for users of FR!TZBox routers which use
became available for purchase and someone
, which broke browser UIs. This could’ve even been used maliciously, but thankfully it wasn’t. - Comment on Hashicorp signs agreement to be acquired by IBM 10 months ago:
They missed April fools by about a month
- Comment on Nextcloud Hub 8 is now available 10 months ago:
I wouldn’t call criticism of their strategic focus “shitting on” Nextcloud. It obviously still does a lot of things right or at least right enough to be useful and relevant to many people, or else we wouldn’t be discussing it. But it has its issues and many of them have been unadressed for a long time, so why shouldn’t people voice their displeasure with that?
- Comment on Wikipedia is gauging interest for an extension that uses AI to see if any claim is cited on Wikipedia 10 months ago:
I’m skeptical given how confident many recent AI models are at making wrong claims. Fact checking seems to be a rather poor use case for current AI models IMO.
- Comment on Which OS do you use for your homeserver? 1 year ago:
After looking at the site and trying to determine what to download to get Debian with non-free (I’m unfortunately working with an NVIDIA card)
FWIW, Debian now includes non-free firmware in the installation media by default and will install whatever is necessary.
I agree that the Debian website has its weaknesses, but beyond finding the right installer (usually netinst ISO a.k.a small installation image on there isn’t much of a learning curve. I started out with Ubuntu too, but finally decided that enough was enough when snap started breaking my stuff on desktop and haven’t looked back.
- Comment on European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying 1 year ago:
Lawmaking is a slow and tedious process full of compromises, and the EU is apparently the only governmental body that cares enough to actually do something against the wild west of digital tracking. I for one am happy about that, and contrary to public opinion the GDPR is actually being enforced (albeit not strictly enough).
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
Idk man that sounds pretty communist to me
- Comment on Meta censors pro-Palestinian views on a global scale, claims Human Rights Watch. 1 year ago:
The fact that you’re being downvoted for calling for a more thorough and objective investigation really says it all.
- Comment on Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI's power to mislead 1 year ago:
You need to follow trusted sources like the IDF
Ah yes, there’s nothing quite like trusting one side exclusively. No way they would ever lie for their own benefit!
- Comment on Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI's power to mislead 1 year ago:
Absolutely true, everything is a conspiracy theory and the most convoluted version of events you can come up with to make it fit your preconceived notions is always correct.
- Comment on The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans 1 year ago:
Sleep-deprived 20 year olds calling shots is very much normal in any army. They of course have rules of engagement, but other than that, they’re free to make their own decisions - whether an autonomous robot is involved or not.
- Comment on Is Java Still Keeping Up with Modern Programming Languages 1 year ago:
Definitely agree that Kotlin is so much better than Java + Lombok, but it’ll take a lot of time for all the existing Java projects or migrate to Kotlin or reach EOL. In the meantime, it’s hard to avoid the occasional Java project…
- Comment on Is Java Still Keeping Up with Modern Programming Languages 1 year ago:
Lombok will shrink the 200 lines of getters and setters to one or two. It has its own pitfalls of course, but IMO it’s definitely worth it.
- Comment on Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity 1 year ago:
So the actual solution to climate change is to light everything on fire so the smoke cover cools down earth
- Comment on Verified Hate Speech Accounts [on X] Are Pivoting to Palestine for Clout and Cash 1 year ago:
It shows that these people are populist leeches that will agitate against whatever the perceived establishment is doing. They’re just anti-everything, whatever gets them the most attention at any point in time: Anti-immigration, anti-LGBTQ, anti-vaccination, anti-Israel, you name it.
Also, we should equally not forget that Hamas and their Palestinian, Arab and Islamic supporters are perpetrating a genocide against Israel and the Jewish people.
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
Honestly, please explain.
I know SaaS, but I don’t see how that is relevant to Windows 10 and its maintenance. The OS works without requiring an Internet connection, so it’s not relying on cloud computing for much of its functionality.
Ending support for an OS is also totally normal, many FOSS OSes do it too. Whether you paid for it initially or not honestly makes little difference, at the end of the day someone else has to expend their own time to fix something for you - some might do so for free, while others want to be paid.
- Comment on LinkedIn Issues Warning to Site Shaming Pro-Palestinian Sentiment. 1 year ago:
Ah yes, there’s nothing like blaming a whole country for the actions of a specific group. You’re doing the exact same thing as people who blame all Palestinians for the Hamas terrorist attacks.
- Comment on Results of the "Can you tell which images are AI generated?" survey 1 year ago:
But not all AI generated images can fool people the way this post suggests. In essence this study then has a huge selection bias, which just makes it ubfit for drawing any kind of conclusion.
- Comment on How do you backup your data? 1 year ago:
Oh, I think we’re talking different orders of magnitude here. I’m in the <1TB range, probably around 100GB. At that size, the cost is negligible.
- Comment on How do you backup your data? 1 year ago:
I do an automated nightly backup via restic to Backblaze B2. Every month, I manually run a script to copy the latest backup from B2 to two local HDDs that I keep offline.
It’s pretty low-maintenance and gives a high degree of resilience:
- A ransomware attack won’t affect my local HDDs, so at most I’ll lose a month’s worth of data.
- A house fire or server failure won’t affect B2, so at most I’ll lose a day’s worth of data.
restic has been very solid, includes encryption out of the box, and I like the simplicity of it. Easily automated with cron etc. Backblaze B2 is one of the cheapest cloud storage providers I could find, an alternative might be Wasabi if you have >1TB of data.
- Comment on How do you backup your data? 1 year ago:
drive failure
Perhaps unintended but very much relevant singular. Unless you’re doing RAID 6 or the like, a simultaneous failure of two drives still means data loss. It’s also worth noting that drives of the same model and batch tend to fail after similar amounts of time.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
You’re arguing a completely different point. Windows isn’t Microsoft’s only product by a long shot, so I don’t see how their money (whatever you mean by that, specifically) is the answer here. Also, every few years there’s a new Windows version which again costs money - almost like a subscription with bigger installments at longer intervals.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see a problem with subscriptions for commercial software. Fixing bugs and security issues after release is an ongoing effort that costs money, so a one-time purchase isn’t really economically viable in the long run. I honestly wouldn’t feel comfortable using unmaintained software that might contain known but unfixed vulnerabilities.
- Comment on Security researcher warns of chilling effect after feds search phone at airport | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
Family photos, payslips, medical records, browser history…
- Comment on OP finds vulnerability where a forum sends you your password in plaintext over email and everyone misses the forest for the trees 1 year ago:
Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking
Actually, not everyone in that thread is nitpicking. There’s one comment that’s just a helpful hint.
But yes, nitpicking is fun. I’ll see myself out.
- Comment on Can you melt eggs? Quora’s AI says “yes,” and Google is sharing the result 1 year ago:
An egg is already liquid, so it can’t be molten. It’s the same way you can’t melt water.